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Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

reputable company ? I go to search new beauty and these come up. I just think there other sites for these kind of needs. Am i wrong in my thinking ?

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Re: Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

Not something I care to see on a shopping channel.

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Re: Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

They backslid quite a few notches in my estimation when they stsrted that.  It reeks of pathetic desperation.  I notice the Feelgood Store, from which I've occasionally ordered shoes, has started the same thing.  I'd just as soon they kept their catalog.

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Re: Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

IMO you have to be a certain personality type to enjoy a show like that. I was always surprised at the women I knew who had no problem sharing all kinds of personal sexual likes and dislikes with other women. To me if you like sex toys that's fine, but I don't want to know about it. I don't think there is anything wrong with Evine airing a show like that, I'm just not interested in watching it. Why should you care what others think!

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Re: Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

just going to throw in my 2 cents here. 

what if you already order from evine, and no one in the household would question a charge or package from them.


or, perhaps you are too embarrassed to order from a regular adult site. i mean what if the packaging suggested what was in there.


or maybe its going to be a adult "surprise" for dh. 

i thought the exact same thing when i first saw these items being sold on evine. gasp!


but the fact is people do buy these type of things, and dare i be so bold as to say enjoy the variety they can bring. 


so i say, if this type of product does not interest you, no one is forcing you to look at, or shop for them.  just another one of those options.

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Re: Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

I am not offended by the need of this kind of product , but really can you see QVC or HSN lowering their self to selling them. Just imagine the buyers pitching it to the executives,  they would be laughed out of the room. I am not sure why it is under the beauty category at Evine in the first place.

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Re: Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

I've heard it all now! I'm no prude, but things like this are personal & I certainly wouldn't want to see it on TV. (jmo)



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Re: Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

doesn't bother me it's late at night,

no one has to watch anything they don't like on the TV



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Re: Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

[ Edited ]

Products like that are not something to hide anymore and it's a fact that many like and use such products.  That does not make a company less reputable - just more free thinking to see a need and offer products.  It is rather prudish to be shocked by it.  It's a  good thing that finally buying such products is easier now.  To think that you should have to sneak around in a disguise to get them at those adult stores is antiquated thinking.  It also can be more private getting a box frm Evine like someone mentioned rather than ordering from one of the adult sites and then getting catalogs and more catalogs from similar companies in the mail.  No one is being forced to watch and buy.  I just don't see why some are offended and think it's a disgrace!  

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Re: Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

Personally I find this type of programming a bit squicky for a mainstream shopping channel but I am way more offended by evine's shipping fees!  Woman Wink  


Aside from the fact that I usually am sound asleep, I am not inclined to watch these programs since I find so many of the hosts hard to take even when they are presenting things which really do interest me such as Mackenzie-Childs goodies.  I can't imagine listening to them screeching and "embellishing" about these items or worse yet, their own sex lives haha.


kittyloo makes an excellent point that the evine packaging may make it easier for shoppers to purchaser these items.  If that is the case and these purchases please the buyers and/or their partners, good on them all!  Woman Happy