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Re: Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

@KKJ wrote:

@Pook wrote:

@KKJ wrote:

I admit I bought it once when it first came out but never again. I read one of those consumer articles that really bashed the product, saying it's so overpriced when lighting a match will do th e same thing----for way cheaper!

Who even has matches around anymore??  I know I don't!  There are better ways to get a light by flicking a lighter among other things.  Also, how would lighting a match do the same thing since when you throw it in the water puts it out and surely it wouldn't cause a filmy coat like the oil does or do you have to keep lighting matches and throwing them in while you go??? I can afford the "overpriced" way as it is easier and not going to cause me to be broke!!  

You don't throw the match in the bowl. You light it & blow it out. The smoke from the match gets rid of any odors.  


Yes, the match doesn't get tossed into the bowl.  But it's not the smoke that gets rid of odors.  It's actually the sulfur dioxide that's released when the match is lit.  I've never actually done this, but I've heard about it for decades, and someone once explained to me (in more detail than I've written here) exactly why it works.  :-)

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Re: Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

[ Edited ]

The items are shown late at night.  I don't really care one way or the other.  It's easy to change the channel and not watch if you don't want to.


I watched a little of it over the weekend with Kimberly.  I thought Kimberly did a very nice job but whoever the other woman was that does the shows with her on a regular basis was not impressive. She seemed to get the giggles when Kimberly was discussing things. 


As an aside, I just went to Evine's website and if you click on Beauty and then new arrivals, many of these items do in fact come up.  There is no dark page, no checking to make sure you are 18 yo.  The products are just there lumped in with other lotions, potions and creams.  It doesn't matter to me but just putting it out there that yes you can just come across the items. 

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Re: Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

Whatever floats your boat I always say! 

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

Let's talk about Sex ... (channeling Salt 'N Pepa here LOL!)


Sex is fun, everybody should be making love and/or using toys if that's your thing! Woo-Hoo!! Now Evine is your new outlet to buy such products if your heart desires. 

Let's face it, times are changing and anything seems to go these days. Enjoy the ride because things are only going to get worse with what's deemed as totally acceptable these days. I don't mind the shows on Evine but I can understand how it may be a bit of a shock for some generations to see these types of pleasurable toys while channel surfing a shopping network. 

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Re: Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

They also sell them at Walgreens and Amazon. They're mainstream now.


But I would never think to look for them on Evine. Where would you even find them on Evine? Electronics? Wearable Tech? Chargers and Portable Power? Drones and Remote Control gadgets? Gosh, I sure hope they're not under the Refurbished header!

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Re: Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

just as a FYI you just put vibrator in the search bar. 

and i see that they have 69 items to choose from. 


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Re: Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

@Pook wrote:


@KKJ wrote:

@Pook wrote:

@KKJ wrote:

I admit I bought it once when it first came out but never again. I read one of those consumer articles that really bashed the product, saying it's so overpriced when lighting a match will do th e same thing----for way cheaper!

Who even has matches around anymore??  I know I don't!  There are better ways to get a light by flicking a lighter among other things.  Also, how would lighting a match do the same thing since when you throw it in the water puts it out and surely it wouldn't cause a filmy coat like the oil does or do you have to keep lighting matches and throwing them in while you go??? I can afford the "overpriced" way as it is easier and not going to cause me to be broke!!  

You don't throw the match in the bowl. You light it & blow it out. The smoke from the match gets rid of any odors.  

I know this is off topic but I'm just not getting how that could work as good.  Sounds like it gets rid of odors after the fact and doesn't stop the smell while going but only after so that can't be as good or does just lighting the match before you go stop the odor from happening just as the oilds do.   

@Pook  Most public rest rooms have smoke alarms so matches are no longer an option. I suppose that’s why this product was invented.

Posts: 52
Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

Ick!  I certainly don't want that on a shopping channel.  My mom watches all the shopping channels constantly.  I can't wait to hear what she says about this.  

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Posts: 52
Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

Ick!  I certainly don't want that on a shopping channel.  My mom watches all the shopping channels constantly.  I can't wait to hear what she says about this.  

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Posts: 52
Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: Is it me or is Evine's adult toys a turnoff for a

I can't wait to read a post of someone receiving a "used return."