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Re: Is 60 the new 40????

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@Phantom41 wrote:

@Mermaid22 wrote:

IMG_1443.JPG62 with eye makeup and lipstick ! ! I had melanoma removed with a skin and muscle flap surgery done on my right cheek in March 2016. Plastic surgeon did a wonderful reconstruction on  the area which was the size of a half dollar after the removal. I had a z shaped scar from the bottom of my ear , across and under my eye and down the front of my cheek. Happy to be 62 and healthy!!

You look fantastic!  

Thank you very much! I do regret the amount of time I spent in the the sun. I had my first basal cell skin cancer at age 36. I have stayed out of the sun and wear sunblock every day. However, I have had multiple skin cancers basal, squamous over the years on my body, and then the melanoma which was on my face like I said. This past October 2016, seven months after that surgery I had a squamous cell removed directly under my right eye inches away from the first surgery.It was so strange, I had a small red pimple that virtually showed up over night! Within a week it had gotten much larger. I went to my doctor and she did the biopsy. Literally 2 different skin cancers on my face within 7 months. I underwent MOHS surgery for that . The scar is about a half inch long. I feel like the girl in the nightmare before Christmas movie! Thank goodness that healed well... years of sun damage can take many years to show up! I take each day as it comes and enjoy my life. It's very scary to have reconstructive surgery especially on the face. Thank goodness for my amazing surgeons. Hopefully I'm done!!!



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Registered: ‎05-13-2017

You look beautiful!  You are lucky that you have a great team of Doctor's as well watching out for you! Woman Very Happy

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

60 is 60 and 40 is 40

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@ECBG wrote:

That pic may have a filter.  This is a google picture.


Janice Dickinson August 2015

I think she looks like every other over injected celeb. She looks older than 60 to me. 

Your age is your age...I am positive of that.

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Posts: 777
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Is 60 the new 40????

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Here I am at 68...  Everyone tells me I don't show my age.   And I did have breast cancer in my 40's.Chuck and Me.jpg