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In celebration of this week being the official start of spring...

I packed away my wcm and wvm cc yesterday and dug out my sggt and sob! Still not a fan of the sob. I used the sob on my 7 year old daughter (that didn't sound!) last night trying to get an idea of what it smells like after her hair is dry, as my first reaction when I opened the bottle was not a good one. I thought I'd use her as my guinea pig! When she woke up this morning I could still smell it on her. It's not as strong as I originally thought , but I just can't get past the scent. I initially didn't like the sggt either, but I grew to love the scent (which is what I used this morning) so I'm hoping I end up liking the sob. I'll give it a try on my next cleanse day which will be Wednesday.

Is anyone else like me and can only use the seasonals in the season they were meant for?? I just can't bring myself to use a summer scent in the winter or a fall scent in the spring. How many others of us like this are there? Cool

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Re: In celebration of this week being the official start of spring...

LOL...I do the same thing I put away my FAS and WVM once March hit...although you'd never know it from the 6"" of FRESH SNOW we have today!!

I think I will get out my SGGT and I am waiting for SOB to try it for the first time. Happy spring (at least in my mind )!

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Re: In celebration of this week being the official start of spring...

I also only use SGGT in Spring, but I use FGP and FAS for Fall/Winter and will use WCM in every season but Fall. It just doesn't fit Fall. I only use WVM before a chemical service in any season bc it's very moisturizing but I don't like the scent. I hope that SHP will end up being Spring as well as Summer for me.
Happy WEN Girl since 1/12/2012
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Re: In celebration of this week being the official start of spring...

I did put my WCM away, but I just tried FAS last week for the first time and I love it! It's hard but as soon as my SOB arrives I'll be putting the FAS away too. :-( …......and I still can't get used to the abbreviations for spring orange blossom, ha!
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Re: In celebration of this week being the official start of spring...

On 3/17/2014 BethanyB said: I did put my WCM away, but I just tried FAS last week for the first time and I love it! It's hard but as soon as my SOB arrives I'll be putting the FAS away too. :-( …......and I still can't get used to the abbreviations for spring orange blossom, ha!

me's funny!!! almost makes me want to post more just so I can get a little giggle out of it!

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
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Re: In celebration of this week being the official start of spring...

I'm new to WEN, and my first seasonals were FAS & WCM. I'm one who prefers using them in "their" season, as I do with my Phil body washes. It's spring-ish here in the South, so I have been using SGGT which I got in the set of 5 for the December TSV, and SOB ({#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}) is waiting in the wings. I do alternate my seasonal with a core formula, as I get different results from each.

I caved and ordered another WCM just before it went away, and it's sitting on my closet shelf...waiting for December. It's a perfect Christmastime scent to me. Here's hoping that next fall's scent is a BIG improvement over FAS---it worked great, but the smell was barely tolerable to me (and I'll be getting another in the 2nd shipment of the December TSV!).

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Re: In celebration of this week being the official start of spring...

Me, too! I switched my FAS for SGGT. (I don't like WCM, but figure I will use it as a body wash next winter.)

LOL, I love the scent of FAS and hope to make some trades for it in June! Smiley Happy

PS: I also keep Fig, TT, and 613 in rotation.

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Re: In celebration of this week being the official start of spring...

I do the same thing with WEN seasonals and Philosophy body wash. In fact I need to change out my body wash since I haven't done that yet. Not that is warm weather here yet, but hopefully soon.
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Re: In celebration of this week being the official start of spring...

Sort of. Since I am usually eager for each new season, I enjoy using FGP in the fall, WCM in the winter, etc. However, sometimes I am ready for the next season right now I am ready for spring and florals, and since I just finished FGP, I am using LAV mixed with SGGT a couple of times a week (with my Pure Grace body wash).

Since we are still experiencing winter, my alternate cleansing days are Fig mixed with Pom for the extra moisture (and because I seem to have several Pom's I need to use) - and my Summer Grace body wash.


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Re: In celebration of this week being the official start of spring...

Do you guys switch them even though you have not finished up the bottle?