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Re: I thought I was an autumn but maybe not.

@SportyShorty07 wrote:

@beach-mom  At 5'3" you are 4 inches taller than me so you are tall atleast to me Smiley Very Happy!  i love how Kim tells it like it is- she is so great, really funny!  Being star struck is such a fun and exhilarating feeling.  


    I paid to meet Bret Michaels and Lou Ferrigno  Smiley Very HappySmiley Wink.  I met Bret at a Poison VIP concert on my city and I met Lou Ferrigno at a comic con because I thought, "what other time can I meet Mr. Universe?!  Lou is a very kind man and Bret is very kind too- both experiences were so worth it! 


Hey did you know that Lou Ferrigno was the guy in the TV series The Hulk in the 70's with Bill Bixby playing the part when he wasn't green and loaded up on Gramma rays lol? 

And I saw Poison in concert as well! 

I'm from Ga too. We all learned to eat peanuts with Coke as kids. A lot of grandpa's do it. It's definitely a southern thing. 

Bret Michaels used to be seriously HAWT in the 80's. He rocked those ripped acid wash jeans fo sho 

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Registered: ‎04-15-2014

Re: I thought I was an autumn but maybe not.

[ Edited ]

@Midmod Yes indeed- I know Lou Ferrigno from The Hulk Smiley Very HappyHeart- I loved how big and strong he was and still is- when I met him two years ago, he put his arm around me and the force of that knocked me into him and I steadied my hand against his ribs and he laughed and smiledSmiley Very Happy- he's such a big, strong man and nice man!


     I love Poison Smiley Very HappyHeart - Brett Michaels was super sexy in his glam hair metal days and he wore distressed acid wash jeans like no other man- hot hot hot Smiley Very HappyHeart. He's still hot and in great shape!   I met him at the VIP Poison concert two years ago- I bought a VIP ticket and went alone and it was the first concert I've ever been to since I'm partially deaf and never went to a concert in order to preserve my hearing.  I met Bret and Poison in their private area behind curtains and he was so fun and sweet! He was excited to see me and when the manager told him my name he yelled it out, "The lovely (my name)  is here!" I hugged all of the band members who were super fun and sweet and then when I got to Bret, he said, "Come over here, beautiful!" and we had a lingering full body hug and I put my hands along his back and it was so toned. That was a hug to remember Smiley Wink.  


     I then stood in front of him and told him about my partial deafness and how he's my first ever concert and as I was telling him, he held both of my hands and looked into my green eyes with his beautiful blue eyes and he told me how much my story means to him that he's my first concert and that he was going to rock out for me!  He then said, "Wow- you are really beautiful, inside and out!" It was so amazing.  Then during the concert, I was only about 6 rows from the stage and he saw me and pointed to me and made a heart with his hands and I did it back! It was easily one of if not the best night ever of my life Smiley Very Happy.  Bret is such a great guy!!