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I thought I was an autumn but maybe not.

As most of us here are familiar with colors theories I am suddenly thinking I’m not an “autumn”. My hair (original) was medium deep brown with red highlights in the sun. My eyes are a light hazel, but my skin wears cool foundations. I detest purple ( in clothes), don’t think black is flattering at all. I look good in camel, rich navy, yet I can getaway with grey like charcoal or silvery grey. I think I look better in yellow gold but can pull off silver. Rose gold just blends into my skin tone. Any suggestions is greatly appreciated as I’m so confused.
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Re: I thought I was an autumn but maybe not.

Look into 'dressing your truth' by Carol Tuttle. It's a system that teaches how to have the 5 elements (color, design line, pattern, texture, fabrication) reflect who you are as a person. The before and after picts will give you an idea of the difference it makes.

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Re: I thought I was an autumn but maybe not.

@Allthingsgirly67   you may be a soft summer, you sound like a soft autumn,which can 

fall into the soft summer color scheme. If you look online you will see many 

different forums, pictures etc explaining this.  Malibu😊

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Re: I thought I was an autumn but maybe not.

[ Edited ]



If you go to Color Me Beautiful .com

it makes it very easy to see your true season of colors.

I think you can tell when you see the swatch of colors and are immediately happy to look at it rather than cringing. But the site has many ways to show you with fashion, make up jewelry.

The original book also said if you look at the underside of your wrist, it will have a yellow hue or pinkish tones-warm vs cool. Spring, Autumn are warm palates, winter and summer are cool.Winters and summers will have a blueish tint to the underside of their wrist.


Anyway I'm making it sound more confusing. The best way is to look at the swatches and clothes with celebrities too  wearing right and wrong and many other things to show you. 


My sister started doing this years ago and I thought it was dumb until she showed me my "true colors" and wow it does make a difference. I still have the book Color Me Beautiful.

PS-I just looked up color me beautiful swatches too and there is an author calling Color Me Beautiful "so last century,and outdated;" says  "forget color me beautiful",

the Caygill/Chrisman process which she says was developed in 1950 before the Color Me Beautiful book which she states was one of the simplified "copycats."

She says it takes a lot of training to "learn" the system.

I read some of it and thought, this is ridiculously complicated and I'm sure it needs an expensively trained person to accurately assist us in choosing our correct shades and colors. She has 6 subtypes per season. Makes it all a chore to get through all this.


I don't know. We may get it wrong with a simplified way but that is experimenting and having fun with colors and shades on our own with the help of a book or pictures online, or friends trying things together and giving opinions.

I also think sometimes we are drawn to a color that might not be in our season and that's ok too!

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: I thought I was an autumn but maybe not.

There are now 12 seasons they do and this is much more accurate. In the day they said I was a Winter and after listening on youtube the 12 seasons method I am an warm Autum. And it makes much more sense to me as I have very warm coloring and yelllow undertones.

Look up on youtube they are quite a few of them Isabella is good as she explains very well. The old system Color me Beautiful  is not accurate like the other viewer wrote.

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Re: I thought I was an autumn but maybe not.

Whoever said that someone with warm coloring and yellow undertones was a winter was wrong and not following the Color Me Beautiful theory.She clearly shows this in the beginning in how to know your season.


Still, I'm always open to new and interesting theories and I'm sure there will be many.


However I wouldn't call Color Me Beautiful innacurate like the previous poster stated. There is a reason it is still so popular and has sold over 13 million copies. 


"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: I thought I was an autumn but maybe not.

[ Edited ]


@on the bay @cuddlesmama @MalibuFox @ThinkingOutLoud 


The system I'm familiar with is "Color Me Beautiful".


My DDs coloring sounds very close to yours, but she classifies herself based on another system which I am not as familiar with.


Her hair is dark brown, eye color is blue ringed with gray. 

I was always confused about her color classification, even when she was little.


She can wear turquoise well, and this is often put in the spring palette (warm).

She looks great in gold. I do not EVER see her wear purple.


Great: reds/dark coral; teal; navy; forest green

Never: camel

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Re: I thought I was an autumn but maybe not.

sometimes you get clarity unexpectedly. Like a couple yrs ago, shopping with my daughter I held up two of the same tops but diff colors, one was spring green,

and asked which one. She said the green one makes you look yellow. 

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Re: I thought I was an autumn but maybe not.

I used to be a Mary Kay Cosmetic consultant and tied in the Color Me with Beautiful guidelines in my presentations.  Participants always had a fun evening just sharing ideas. I gravitate to bright colors for I am a true winter.  Winters are supposed to only look best in silver jewelry, but I love gold jewelry.  So I wear both and sometimes even together.  Colors are beautiful in all we see - just have fun choosing the colors you love.

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Re: I thought I was an autumn but maybe not.

I had no idea that people stilled followed these old color theories!

Why do you have to be a "season" ?

You obviously know what looks good on you so go with it.  Forget the silly seasonable labels.