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Registered: ‎05-03-2014

I think the month of July might un-officially be Nick month.

Nick Chavez will be on July 10, July 12, July 14, July 25 and July 28.



I don't think I've ever seen Nick on that much in one whole month. That's really great. Thank you, QVC. Smiley Happy



Attention Nick! If you're reading this, could you pretty, pretty, pretty PLEASE just let your hair down and NOT tie it back? I want to gaze upon your long, flowing locks. Smiley Very Happy

~Nick Chavez is my favorite vendor on QVC and Alberti Popaj is my favorite QVC host.~
Nick Chavez now has his own sub-forum under the My Favorite Brand folder
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Posts: 4,833
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I think the month of July might un-officially be Nick month.

I  could not possibly care less about his "long flowing locks", but I do enjoy Nick Chave, love his products, and have no trouble believing the facts in his presentations. I am delighted to hear that they are giving him a fair shake in the time he gets on air. Hope everything sells out and he hs a great visit in July. I'll try to watch a few of his sessions, although I rarely watch QVC anymore. It depends a bit on who is hosting.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 621
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: I think the month of July might un-officially be Nick month.

I love Nick and his products. I love to watch his shows but I cringe for the poor models the way he jerks theirs heads so quickly. I don't think I could stand that. LOL His products are great for my baby-fine hair and I look forward to seeing more of his programs on air. Thanks QVC.