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Re: How to soothe corner of eye irritation from eye watering?

@Glorimar     It does sound like dry eyes.  I have the same problem.  Avoid paper tissue and napkins. Some are scratchy.   Use cloth, preferbly soft.  Handkerchiefs are great but I have cut up an old cotton T shirt and while it is not pretty, it does the job.  


Do see your eye doc.  When my eyes are less irritated they water less.

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Registered: ‎11-14-2017

Re: How to soothe corner of eye irritation from eye watering?

@Glorimar - many good suggestions here. In my case, I have the same symptoms- doctor said I have a blocked tear duct. Yes, see a doctor.🤞💗

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Posts: 248
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: How to soothe corner of eye irritation from eye watering?

Ladies, thank you for your suggestions and concern. Please note I have seen my ophthalmologist and other than being a little dry, my eyes are healthy. I wasn't looking for medical advice, just your ideas of what may sooothe the corner irritation. I've used some of your suggestions and it has helped greatly. Thank you all! 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: How to soothe corner of eye irritation from eye watering?

I have dry eyes and I have what you are describing, for that you can try cortisone cream or a prescription cream for eczema.
Valued Contributor
Posts: 514
Registered: ‎04-22-2010

Re: How to soothe corner of eye irritation from eye watering?

I have dry eye disease with eyelid glands clogged and I found using an electric eye mask works wonders.  You can purchase at Amazon.