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How long was the longest hair you have ever seen?

I saw a woman today with hair down to her knees. I have never seen hair that long before. It was stunning! She wasn't a short woman either so that was really long hair! It was the exact color as mine! I wanted to ask her what she used, but I imagine she gets asked that a lot and I didn't want to just walk up to her and start grilling her on her hair.

Before this I had only seen hair down to the butt. What's the longest you have seen? I always wonder if there is a genetic stop point for different people.

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Re: How long was the longest hair you have ever seen?

Probably the singer Crystal Gale. Her hair brushed the floor.
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Re: How long was the longest hair you have ever seen?

Crystal Gayle takes the prize for me

I've always been so envious that she could "keep" her hair. When I was young, my hair got to be 2" below my knees. It was a pain in that you had to always remember to pull it to the side when you sat down, otherwise you sat on it and jerked your head back.
My mom always tried to braid it, or at the very least put it in pigtails and pony tails. But then my mom had my little sister, and shortly after cut my hair into a bob. She no longer had the time it took to care for it, and I was too young to do it myself. I've been trying to grow it back ever since, but the longest it ever got was to my waist. Now I can't even get it to grow that long!
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Re: How long was the longest hair you have ever seen?

wow, that is some LONG hair!

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Re: How long was the longest hair you have ever seen?

My elementary school music teacher had bone straight, black hair to her knees. Then suddenly one year, she cut it all off and permed it. She looked like Little Orphan Annie.
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Re: How long was the longest hair you have ever seen?

Yes, it's long thin & stringy....should be chopped off around mid-back. My sister, back in 1976, had the most gorgeous hair I've EVER seen. Blonde, down to her hips and UBER thick (her hair band didn't need to be twisted)!! In college (Lincoln, NE), people would continually stop to compliment on her hair. It definitely was a show stopper.

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Re: How long was the longest hair you have ever seen?

I worked with a woman who had hair that came to her mid thigh. It wa strong, shiny, healthy. When she wore it in long braid, it was fine. Unique. But sometimes she wore it open, flowing. She resembled Cousin It when she did that.

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Re: How long was the longest hair you have ever seen?

My hair used to be 7 inches below my waist; I hated it. My mother refused to cut it or let me and my father couldn't intervene. When I accepted a job 600 miles away after I graduated from college, I had my hair cut, styled, then handed the pony tail to her, which she kept until she passed away. My hair was never "mine"; I despised it until I cut it, then went weekly to the beauty shop, then learned to blow dry it myself. Consequently, I never fought the "hair battles" w/ my children! Smiley Happy They were happy & so was I!
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: How long was the longest hair you have ever seen?

WOW! Picture of Crystal Gale is amazing! I never knew! The woman I saw had thicker hair, looked like it had always been trimmed, she had it all to one side and hanging loose in front over her shoulder. Now I am kicking myself for not asking her what she used. It was thick all the way to the ends and glossing. She would be a good advertisement for whatever it was for use.

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Re: How long was the longest hair you have ever seen?

I don't understand why someone would want their hair that long.

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