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Re: How long was the longest hair you have ever seen?

On 2/26/2014 jetts_mom said:

Crystal Gayle takes the prize for me

I've always been so envious that she could "keep" her hair. When I was young, my hair got to be 2" below my knees. It was a pain in that you had to always remember to pull it to the side when you sat down, otherwise you sat on it and jerked your head back.
My mom always tried to braid it, or at the very least put it in pigtails and pony tails. But then my mom had my little sister, and shortly after cut my hair into a bob. She no longer had the time it took to care for it, and I was too young to do it myself. I've been trying to grow it back ever since, but the longest it ever got was to my waist. Now I can't even get it to grow that long!


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Re: How long was the longest hair you have ever seen?

Why? At some point it just seems cray cray to me. To much maintenance and honestly, it reminds me of a horse's tail. Just an opinion, we all like different things.
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Registered: ‎09-29-2010

Re: How long was the longest hair you have ever seen?

Once on the view the lady in guiness world record holder was on. Her hair was wrapped around her twice and she carried the rest in a body cross basket. They unraveled it and it measured something like 50 ft! Sherry took the end and walked through the audience with it. Crazy!