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How can i make josie maran tinted moisturizer sheer?

I love her products but the tinted moisturizer is too heavy for me, I like more sheer products. Has any one has any luck in thinning it out. I thought it looked fine until looked in a magnifying mirror in the store and it looked like I had on too much makeup. I did try hope in a jar moisturizer but it still looks heavy. I don't want to send it back but I did order for the tinted moisturizer.
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Re: How can i make josie maran tinted moisturizer sheer?

I add a little bit of an oil (argan, marula, rose hip seed, whatever) to it to help sheer it out. I've also mixed it with a little of my spf and that worked well too.

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Re: How can i make josie maran tinted moisturizer sheer?

It's too bad her tinted moisturizer is more like a medium foundation. I wish she would offer a sheer tinted moisturizer. I guess I would try adding a little of Josie's tinted moisturizer to a larger amount of regular moisturizer. I would not thin it out with oil as it already has oil in it and may make too greasy looking. Maybe you should contact her customer service by email on her website for suggestions too and request that she offer a sheer tinted moisturizer too. Good luck. I use Laura Mercier's tinted moisturizer and it's worth every penny, sheer just like a tinted moisturizer should be and awesome shade selection with neutrals, pink undertones and yellow undertones. Great product.

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Re: How can i make josie maran tinted moisturizer sheer?

Mix it with a clear primer. I mix Josie's Matchmaker foundation with clear primer to make a BB cream. I love the look and feel of it more this way.
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Re: How can i make josie maran tinted moisturizer sheer?

Thanks everyone, I will try the clear primer, wonder if it would be. More sheer if I used a brush?
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Re: How can i make josie maran tinted moisturizer sheer?

On 1/16/2014 little daisy said: Thanks everyone, I will try the clear primer, wonder if it would be. More sheer if I used a brush?

I agree with Kat, a tinted moisturizer should be sheer, a light coverage & more natural looking. If you decide to keep it, get a small bowl, mix equal parts of moisturizer, primer & a bit more tinted moisturizer, you should get the light coverage your looking for or just return it. I would use your fingers, then just give it a buff with a fluffy foundation brush.

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Re: How can i make josie maran tinted moisturizer sheer?

Isn't the one in the bottle sheer? It comes out white and changes to your own color

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Re: How can i make josie maran tinted moisturizer sheer?

This is the one in the tube, not a bottle. I will try mixing it like you said with moisturizer, primer and the tinted moisturizer. Your right a tinted moisturizer should be more sheer. This is more like a full coverage foundation. I love every thing in the kit, but the tinted moisturizer. I just about giving up on it.
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Re: How can i make josie maran tinted moisturizer sheer?

Just be careful about mixing it with primer. I tried mixing Mally's primer with something else, and it caused a chemical reaction that resulted in the production of water (or at least I hope it was water). I ended up with a soupy mess. So I started adding this and that and powder and until I got a product that is just the perfect consistency and coverage for me. Problem is, by the time I got that accomplished I had a pot full of stuff that was about 3.5 ounces. That's a LOT of product to use up. So I recommend starting with a little bit of the Josie product and a little bit of whatever your are mixing with, to test the result first.

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Re: How can i make josie maran tinted moisturizer sheer?

I put the TM on right after I apply Dr. Denese's Hydroshield, which doubles as a primer for me. I don't wait for the Hydroshield to dry so the TM goes on very easily and smoothly.