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Holiday beauty items- what is on your wish list?

It is that time of year and the stores are starting to post their Holiday beauty gifts. I already have my eye on a few things. Okay honestly I already bought one, lol, but am eyeing a few more things.


What items are you eyeing and/or hoping for?





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Re: Holiday beauty items- what is on your wish list?

I have my eye on some of the lipstick sets. There are a couple sets from bite that look good. To me all the eye pallets are starting to look same. I haven't seen anything different. TARTE is coming out with one in a month that looks totally different then what they usually do. Won't buy but it does look unique and different.
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Re: Holiday beauty items- what is on your wish list?

@HappyDaze I like to buy perfume sets this time of the year. And a lot of times, they will have totes for free. Like I need another toteWoman LOL

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Re: Holiday beauty items- what is on your wish list?

Josie Maran whipped body butter...19 oz.!!

I keep mentioning what a great stocking stuffer it could

be!!  Hope someone is hearing me!!Woman LOL

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Re: Holiday beauty items- what is on your wish list?

@Newgate wrote:

Josie Maran whipped body butter...19 oz.!!

I keep mentioning what a great stocking stuffer it could

be!!  Hope someone is hearing me!!Woman LOL

@Newgate I hope you have a big stocking- that is alot of body butter to stuff in a stocking!! Smiley Happy Hope you get it!

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Re: Holiday beauty items- what is on your wish list?

@ccassaday wrote:
I have my eye on some of the lipstick sets. There are a couple sets from bite that look good. To me all the eye pallets are starting to look same. I haven't seen anything different. TARTE is coming out with one in a month that looks totally different then what they usually do. Won't buy but it does look unique and different.

@ccassaday have you tried bite lipsticks before? If so, what do you like about them? TIA!

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Re: Holiday beauty items- what is on your wish list?

@Sister Golden Hair wrote:

@HappyDaze I like to buy perfume sets this time of the year. And a lot of times, they will have totes for free. Like I need another toteWoman LOL

ugh I know @Sister Golden Hair so many totes!  I like the mini perfume sets they have around the holidays. That is my kind of size in terms of perfume since I rarely wear it. Plus they make fun gifts. BTW, you mentioned the Blinc containers to transport the little perfume spray samplers, right? The Beekman lip balms come in super cute thick cardboard type containers with lids and I was wondering what to do with them as they are so nice I hate just throwing them away and I thought of that perfume idea you (think it was you??) mentioned. They would be perfect for that!!

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Re: Holiday beauty items- what is on your wish list?

So far, I'm thinking a bottle of b Balenciaga eau de parfume. I received a generous sample (among many others) from Nordstrom's after purchasing some items, and just loved it!  

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Re: Holiday beauty items- what is on your wish list?

Bella Lucce gingerbread body scrub and lotion.  It smells so good.

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Re: Holiday beauty items- what is on your wish list?

@HappyDaze wrote:

@Newgate wrote:

Josie Maran whipped body butter...19 oz.!!

I keep mentioning what a great stocking stuffer it could

be!!  Hope someone is hearing me!!Woman LOL

@Newgate I hope you have a big stocking- that is alot of body butter to stuff in a stocking!! Smiley Happy Hope you get it!

 @HappyDaze ,,,.and that it doesn't fall through the bottom!!Woman LOL