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Re: Holiday Tipping At The Salon

@ID2 wrote:

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

"I never tip extra or bring gifts to my hairdresser during the holidays.  My feeling is that I am a good customer and she should be giving me a gift.  I tip handsomely throughout the year. "



Wow, bah humbug, eh?


Hey @ID2 - it looks like you inadvertently deleted my post, but with the quote it looks like I'm the one who doesn't tip and has no Christmas spirit.....LOL  

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Re: Holiday Tipping At The Salon

I might be over generous but I give my hairdresser $50 for Christmas. I've had her for years and she does a great job. 

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Re: Holiday Tipping At The Salon

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

@GSPgirl wrote:

@Jordan2 wrote:

I could use some advice. I'm taking my elderly mother to get her hair cut, colored, and blown out in late November.  It costs her $88 and she gives a $20 tip (she goes about 5 or 6 times a year). How much extra should she tip her stylist for the holiday? Also she gives the woman who shampoos her hair ( there are 2 she doesn't always get the same one) $5, what should she tip for the holiday ,and to which woman should she give it to ( they work different days)? Thanks for any advice anyone can offer. 

I never tip extra or bring gifts to my hairdresser during the holidays.  My feeling is that I am a good customer and she should be giving me a gift.  I tip handsomely throughout the year. 

That is a lousy and cheap attitude.  Nice Christmas spirit.

@JeanLouiseFinch@- I have to respectfully disagree.  I do not increase my tip at Christmas.  I agree with @GSPgirl I am the client and the vendor should be giving me a gift.  They are providing a service and I'm paying for that service. 

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Re: Holiday Tipping At The Salon

I usually tip $20-$25 depending on if the service is cut, color, highlights, or a combination of the three. I've been going to the same stylist for over 4 years & the first 2 yrs., at the Holidays, I gave her nice gifts of either SEPHORA gift cards or a throw for her sofa (each about $40-$50). She never acknowledged the gifts w/ a personal or written thank you. Since then, I have baked either pound cakes or zucchini breads, wrapped them in plastic wrap, and decorated w/ a bow & gift card. I feel she DID receive a gift & if the more expensive ones were not worth her time for a proper THANK YOU, baked goods is something I do in batches anyway for my neighbors. 


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Re: Holiday Tipping At The Salon

To Shanus:  That's ungrateful for your stylist not to thank you!  I wouldn't be giving her any baked goods. 

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Re: Holiday Tipping At The Salon

[ Edited ]

I don't think she needs to tip any extra unless she is actually there the week of Christmas. Then I would give an extra $20.00. I would only do that for the stylist. She is giving more than a 20% tip on a regular basis so I don't think she needs to over compensate in November at all.

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Re: Holiday Tipping At The Salon

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

@GSPgirl wrote:

@Jordan2 wrote:

I could use some advice. I'm taking my elderly mother to get her hair cut, colored, and blown out in late November.  It costs her $88 and she gives a $20 tip (she goes about 5 or 6 times a year). How much extra should she tip her stylist for the holiday? Also she gives the woman who shampoos her hair ( there are 2 she doesn't always get the same one) $5, what should she tip for the holiday ,and to which woman should she give it to ( they work different days)? Thanks for any advice anyone can offer. 

I never tip extra or bring gifts to my hairdresser during the holidays.  My feeling is that I am a good customer and she should be giving me a gift.  I tip handsomely throughout the year. 

That is a lousy and cheap attitude.  Nice Christmas spirit.

@JeanLouiseFinch I agree.  And "she should be giving me a gift?"  Please.

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Re: Holiday Tipping At The Salon

I generally tip my hair stylist double at the Holidays.  Same for shampoo person (I have a feeling lots of people "forget" to tip the shampoo person).

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Re: Holiday Tipping At The Salon

Jordan,  The salon should have envelopes for tips; however, I would rather give the tip directly to the person.  I would give $10 more or if you prefer, purchase a small gift like soaps or something on that order.  For the shampoo person, I would give an extra $5.  i always purchase a small gift for $10 to $15.  I think it really depends on your financial situation and how generous you can be.  Cat Very HappyHeart

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Re: Holiday Tipping At The Salon

@Winkk wrote:

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

@GSPgirl wrote:

@Jordan2 wrote:

I could use some advice. I'm taking my elderly mother to get her hair cut, colored, and blown out in late November.  It costs her $88 and she gives a $20 tip (she goes about 5 or 6 times a year). How much extra should she tip her stylist for the holiday? Also she gives the woman who shampoos her hair ( there are 2 she doesn't always get the same one) $5, what should she tip for the holiday ,and to which woman should she give it to ( they work different days)? Thanks for any advice anyone can offer. 

I never tip extra or bring gifts to my hairdresser during the holidays.  My feeling is that I am a good customer and she should be giving me a gift.  I tip handsomely throughout the year. 

That is a lousy and cheap attitude.  Nice Christmas spirit.

@JeanLouiseFinch@- I have to respectfully disagree.  I do not increase my tip at Christmas.  I agree with @GSPgirl I am the client and the vendor should be giving me a gift.  They are providing a service and I'm paying for that service. 

@Winkk - maybe you don't realize it, but your stylist doesn't get to keep all that you are paying her.  Salons run on a booth rent system or sometimes a commission system.  Whatever the shop owner charges for booth rent is due from the stylist whether she has a busy week or not.  On a commission system, it could be a 60/40 or 50/50 split.  Out of the 40% or 50% that she does keep, she's still obligated to pay income tax so figure 30% of that is her tax obligation.  That doesn't leave a whole lot to live on, on a regular basis.  Plus many clients have the expectation that their stylists can just drop everything and change their schedules when the client has a hair emergency or decides on the spur of the moment that they need a cut or color, or they need the stylist to pick up supplies for them.  Ultimately you're the one who lives with your decision, but a show of appreciation to the stylist would go a long way to brighten their holiday.