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Lavender works the best on my long thin hair. I can use TT BUT ONLY OCCASIONALLY. it weighs my fair down. 613 and Pom made my hair frizzy and broke my scalp out. I still occasionally use the mango when my hair is very dry. What fall scent would work best for me? Tia
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613, Pom, and all the seasonals make my hair frizzy. If your hair is like mine and doesn't react well to protein... you may not have good luck with those.

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oh that is a hard one! I'd say FAS but you better really like maple scent because it is REALLY strongly maple scented and it liiiiiiiinnngers like nothing else, lol! I would worry about fall ginger pumpkin for you if you broke out with pom and 613- the spice extracts might be too much in that one. No one has tried the pear one yet so it is hard to say but honey is the third ingredient so it may be too heavy for your hair but then again, it may be perfect. Hard to say with that one since no one has used it yet and you don't really tell us what type of hair you have.

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Need more information. Oily...dry hair?

straight, curly, frizzy hair?


would be helpful.

I have hair pass my shoulders, straight, oily but humidity will make it frizz. I love the FAS, WVM, SMC, FGP and SOB. A must for me is the... 613 styling cream and the pomegranate glossing serum. This keeps the frizz away in the high humidity area I live in.


**Careful... I have caps lock and I am not afraid to use it.**
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I would try a 16 oz bottle first, before committing to a larger size. I love the FAS (both scent and performance) but I decided to try the FTP.
☀️...And I think to myself what a Wenderful world.☀️
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My hair is to the middle of my back. Blonde, highlights, use to be I'm in my 50s and live in ca. It's normal. For the first time in my life I can occasionally skip a day of shampoo. But it does get a bit oily. I haven't found a scent that worked for me in hot humid temps Wen I lived in Chicago.
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On 8/28/2014 beautybuster said: My hair is to the middle of my back. Blonde, highlights, use to be I'm in my 50s and live in ca. It's normal. For the first time in my life I can occasionally skip a day of shampoo. But it does get a bit oily. I haven't found a scent that worked for me in hot humid temps Wen I lived in Chicago.

You need to go to the ChazDean site and try the recommender. It is very helpful and will tell you what you should use for your hair type. Read the thread about this. Many of us have found this to be very accurate.

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Wonder how the FTP would be ? Sounds so yummy! I did order a 16 oz for my trip back to Chicago of the honey peach. It had such great reviews. But it just shipped out. It will probably arrive when it's time to return back to Ca. . lol my hair is normally straight not frizzy unless I use BGT , POM or 613 . So can somebody tell me what has protein and what doesn't? 613 actually made my hair gummy. Especially at the ends it was weird.
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Beauty buster check out the WEN 101Thread ** The protein is where Amino Acid is denoted for a CC. I also checked out the hydroxypropltrimonium honey. It is a derivative of thinner honeys. It draws moisture to it so it is a major humectant and it improves combing through wet hair. Someone online called it Super Glycerin, if that gives you any idea. If you don't react well to glycerin or get weighed down by it, you may want to try a 16oz of FTP or skip it.
Happy WEN Girl since 1/12/2012
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Oh thx Kjelle but that link won't work.