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Re: Help me find some healthier products!!!!

I am interested in trying the Beekman goat milk bar soaps but was curious if they are different than other brands of goats milk soap that one can find at Whole Foods, etc?

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Re: Help me find some healthier products!!!!

Mine shipped 4 hours after I ordered!
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Re: Help me find some healthier products!!!!

@Rachb, I feel you.  I was a philosophy girl for twelve years, a top reviewer and they even sent me Christmas presents.  Now I wouldn't touch the stuff with a ten-foot pole.


My derm has me washing my face with Purpose soap.  It is so cheap at $2.49 a bar (!)  and my skin loves it!  Better than any of the expensive things I used to use -- and if you had told me I'd go back to using bar soap, but it works and I love it.


And I'm Josie pretty much head to toe now.  Only place I don't use Josie is in the shower/bath because I'm afraid it will be slippery and I don't want to find out by trying it.  Her argan oil (I prefer the Light) and body butters are better than anything philosophy put out.


On my hair I use Phyto, a line of vegan products.  I use it from shampoo through styling products.  This is where I spend money now; it's pricey and worth it.


I've been keeping a secret what I use to replace the 3-in-1s because I'm afraid there will be a run on them and none left for me, so I only told my pal @Tissyanne and no one else) -- but I'll let the cat out of the bag -- Boots Keep It Sweet Shower and Bath Gel.  It's between four and five dollars for the same 16 ounces philosophy provided.  It comes in mango cheesecake and passionfruit cheesecake and I get it at  It is as good or better than philosophy's!  Leave some for me!


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Re: Help me find some healthier products!!!!

I'm intrigued by Josie's body butter. But A) I'm concerned it will be greasy and B) is the ingredient deck really that much better than Philosophy?
Posts: 56
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Help me find some healthier products!!!!

Jean please let us know how you like your order. I'm thinking of trying this line as well!

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Re: Help me find some healthier products!!!!

@Rachb wrote:
I'm intrigued by Josie's body butter. But A) I'm concerned it will be greasy and B) is the ingredient deck really that much better than Philosophy?


Yes, @Rachb, it is so much better than philosophy post-Cristina.  It melts right in.  I think people use too much and then complain its greasy.  A little goes a long way.  Josie's demos where the models slap a ton of it on are useful, I suppose, in selling it but anyone who actually does that when they get it at home would not be a happy customer.


Also I think Josie is much better at scent than post-Cristina philosophy.  I'm not talking about philosophy's fragrance, I'm talking apples to apples, philosophy lotions and souffles vs. Josie's body butters.


Hope I've helped!  I say try it (my favorite scents are creamy vanilla and vanilla pear) at QVC so that way you can return it if you don't like it.

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Re: Help me find some healthier products!!!!

Forgot to address the ingredient deck:  yes -- again post-Cristina -- the ingredient deck is better with Josie. 

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Re: Help me find some healthier products!!!!

Thanks Lori. I would probably do unscented.
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Re: Help me find some healthier products!!!!

[ Edited ]

You're quite welcome.


I have used the unscented on my face from time to time, and I have sensitive skin and it just melts in and even my face loves it.  I don't do it normally but I've done it enough to know my face does not have a negative reaction to it.


My mother is asthmatic with very dry skin and I always get the unscented for her.  She loves it.

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Registered: ‎10-07-2012

Re: Help me find some healthier products!!!!

That's good to forehead is dry and tends to need a little extra something so maybe I'll use it on my forehead too. I just ordered the unscented.