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Having Trouble Finding A New Toothbrush

I have several toothbrushes, both electric & battery powered. Because sometimes toothbrush models are discontinued, I like to have a few onhand.


I have electric Philips Sonicare Gum Care, Oral B electric with sensitive brush heads (don't like the tiny round brush head), Colgate battery Charcoal Soft (meh), & used to have Colgate battery Ultra Soft (loved this one but it's discontinued)


I do want:

-Battery or Electric

-Rectangle (not round like Oral B)

-Ultra Soft or Very Soft brush head (this is a problem to find in a battery or electric toothbrush)


I don't want:

-2 minute timer

-Just Soft

-Manual toothbrush


I want something ultra soft so I don't brush my gums away anymore.

It seems like there should be a much bigger selection of toothbrushes for those of us "Over 50 & Fabulous", but I can't find what I'm looking for. I've googled & checked Amazon, Target, Walmart, Walgreens, Macy's


Do you have a great toothbrush that fits the criteria I need? Or a recommendation?  TIA


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Re: Having Trouble Finding A New Toothbrush

@Desert Lily 14 years ago my dentist gave me a Sonicare or something. I hated it. It literally rattled my teeth and not in a good way. I got a Spinbrush and love it and have used it ever since and get good results.


I order my refill brushes from Amazon and I use the Medium. They also come in soft. Works for me.

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Re: Having Trouble Finding A New Toothbrush

I also use the Spinbrush. Love it. Order refills from Amazon. We tried that ultrasonic. My whole family hated it. Made our heads BUZZZZZZZZ.
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Re: Having Trouble Finding A New Toothbrush

[ Edited ]

@Desert Lily I purchase my dental floss from a company called Cocofloss.  They recently came out with very soft toothbrushes that fit the Sonicare.  I haven't purchased any, as I prefer a firmer brush. 

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Re: Having Trouble Finding A New Toothbrush

[ Edited ]

I use both manual and electric toothbrushes w/ 2 minute timer.  Several years ago after my checkup and cleaning my dentist gave me an Oral B Pro-Health 'ES' (extra soft) toothbrush which I love.  I found them on eBay and purchased a bunch.

You may want to try searching on eBay: Oral B Pro-Health 'ES' Gentle Clean Grip Cross Bristle Toothbrush or whichever toothbrush of your choice

Oral-B Pro-Health Gentle Clean Cross Action Toothbrush for Sensitive Teeth - Pack of 6, Extra ...

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Re: Having Trouble Finding A New Toothbrush

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@Desert Lily   I'd ask your dentist or hygienist for a recommendation. I have a Phillips Sonicare. Bristles are kind of soft and does have the tiny head option, but don't use that one. The plus is that it sits a tiny charger...not too much space taken up on the counter.


DD is a hygienist and told me to get that one. My issue is that I purchase extra heads in case in case it's discontinued and then the brush itself breaks and I'm stuck w/ all the brush heads. Go figure.

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Re: Having Trouble Finding A New Toothbrush


I use an Oral B 1500 electric toothbrush and love it. I didn't want timers, bells, online tracking, or anything else.  I also bought an extra just in case. Smiley Happy 



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Re: Having Trouble Finding A New Toothbrush

If you want electric, Sonicare has my vote.  I literally do know how old mine is.  Still going strong.


The brushes are rectangular.


Look around, they come in soft and very soft.  Perhaps you will have to toss the ones that come the unit.  But replacement heads are out there.  Easy to find.

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Re: Having Trouble Finding A New Toothbrush

I use a Sonicare.  It's older model.  I buy smaller brushes for it...I have a small mouth.


I brush for four minutes twice a day with it though I sometimes use a manual toothbrush if I am away overnight.


I am pleased with it.  I had a dentist appointment on Thursday.  As always, a perfect check-up and the hygienist said I had very little plaque.


I am pretty serious about my teeth.  I still have them all...I have one crown and two filled teeth.  At age 70, my teeth are excellent.

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Re: Having Trouble Finding A New Toothbrush

Aquasonic Black Series toothbrush.  It's on sale at Amazon for 45% off.