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Re: Have you Ever Noticed...........


If it's "noticeable" was a BAD cosmetic job

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Have you Ever Noticed...........

Yes, I've noticed (it's creepy) and yes, I assume it's implants.   Always makes me wonder why would a woman do that to herself?  

* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
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Re: Have you Ever Noticed...........

@MoonieBaby that was hilarious!   I was thinking the same thing.  Those horrid joker lips, jeez I would never want to look like that.  I'll choose to grow old gracefully, thank you very much.  At least I'll look more natural and not like I'm fighting life itself.

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Re: Have you Ever Noticed...........

Funny, I have high cheek bones, like round balls, I've always hated it, feel like it makes my face look chubby even when I was at my very lowest adult weight.

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Re: Have you Ever Noticed...........

To tell you the truth, it would probably have to be a pretty bad  job for me to know someone even had something done, except for the fish lips. Even then, they probably still look better than me.  

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Re: Have you Ever Noticed...........

I think because we lose volume in our face as we age and full cheeks are a sign of youth... doctors OVER  emphasize this area and make it look like you have golf ball cheeks. Not a good look on anyone.

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Re: Have you Ever Noticed...........



I'm more than sure your natural high cheek bones (apple cheeks as my Nonna would say) are more than just pretty, they're beautiful!


....Sandgirl - don't be hard on yourself. 


A smile on a kind person's face is ALWAYS beautiful, - see yourself through the eyes of others and SMILE more.

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Re: Have you Ever Noticed...........

@KKJ wrote:

Yes, I have seen that and yes some celeb women do get cheek implants but not sure why?  Look at pics of Priscilla Presley. She has obvious cheek implants, and of course other stuff done as well.  I think I read that it's supposed to make older women look more youthful?  Don't see it myself.

Pricilla Presley made some bad choices regarding fillers many years ago and has been trying to fix the problem ever since. It is too bad she could not just leave well enough  alone and age gracefully. she was and is a beautiful woman, but lost her natural look.

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Re: Have you Ever Noticed...........

Priscilla Presley had silicone injected in her face a long time ago. Before they really knew how bad it would come out over time. You cant get that stuff out. It's really stuck there forever. I've seen on Botched they tried to get some out of the face but it's extremely  dangerous and difficult. I feel bad for anyone who got silicone. At least bad filler can be dissolved.

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Registered: ‎10-20-2015

Re: Have you Ever Noticed...........

As we age most everything makes a trip south.  Anything that draws the eye "up" is considered youthful.  Some go about it with a bit of overkill.