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Re: Have U Crossed the "tell-tale" Beauty Bridge?

@Pqfan lol!


I'm not near the senior discount beauty bridge, but in the last three years I feel like my face has aged so much due to unbelievable stress. It has. I'm not a vain person but I look in the mirror and feel depressed. I don't like needles but I wish I had the money for botox and fillers. Enough to still look natural, not freaky.


On the flip side I feel like I'm a much stronger and better person because of all I've gone through. I'd just like to look better for me, to maybe match more how I feel.


I exercise, I dress how I feel on the inside and I like to look nice for me. Not for anyone else. But stress and time have taken a toll. I remember when I was a teenager, I thought 30 was old lol. So from that perspective I think teens and 20 somethings might have a skewed view of age.

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Re: Have U Crossed the "tell-tale" Beauty Bridge?

@beautybee wrote:

Rina,  I decided when I turned 50 that I was not going to allow myself to get too casual, especially when I am in public. Unfortunately, in my area, many people dress extremely casual to the point of looking sloppy. So when someone steps out in nice clothing, they tend to stand out.


Awhile back I noticed a woman, who must have been at least in her sixties come out of a hardware store. She looked so chic!  She had long hair, jeans with wedge shoes, a tunic, and some really cook turquoise jewelry.  I thought that she must have been lost because I have never seen a woman looking so cool here in my town. I wanted to run up to her to tell her how fantastic she looked but by the time I decided to do that, she was already in her car about to drive away.  Women like that make me feel so inspired and they reassure me that it doesn't have to be over just because we are older.

I saw a woman like that yesterday, while leaving a movie theater   She had grayish hair pulled back in a bun or something, great makeup and earrings and a lovely black jacket.  She did not look "young" she just looked "chic", the word you used.  It made me feel better about being an older woman.  No matter our age, we can look nice.  Now, if only I could get that look.  I keep trying. I don't mean that I want to copy her style, but just look the best I can. 




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Re: Have U Crossed the "tell-tale" Beauty Bridge?

@chrystaltree, since you're only 57, you're somewhat of a baby in my timeline! Lol! I'm approaching 70 in a few months and I can assure you that most of us here who are in our mid to late 60s treat ourselves to makeup, jewelry, good haircuts, etc! Seriously, the big changes (from my personal perspective) started after 67. Up to that point, there wasn't too much heading south - after that, it's a fact of life that it's starting to happen! So be it - I'll keep up with every single beauty routine I have and will kiss the next kid who asks me if  I qualify for a senior discount!!

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Re: Have U Crossed the "tell-tale" Beauty Bridge?

@RinaRina  Try Josie's Argan Milk.  Really nice on the skin and claims of reducing fine lines and preventing others.  Cat Very Happy  Be glad she did not say "it will be $7 for you:" assuming you were over 60.  Take life as it comes and take care of you skin.  Cat Very Happy

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Re: Have U Crossed the "tell-tale" Beauty Bridge?

What really gets me, is how almost every female on TV is shown through a blur filter so you can't see what they really look like...makes me so mad sometimes, and really does a disservice to women by implying that we are not allowed to LOOK older, but it's fine for the men to be shown crystal clear!!

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Re: Have U Crossed the "tell-tale" Beauty Bridge?

[ Edited ]

@Jannabelle wrote:

@chrystaltree, since you're only 57, you're somewhat of a baby in my timeline! Lol! I'm approaching 70 in a few months and I can assure you that most of us here who are in our mid to late 60s treat ourselves to makeup, jewelry, good haircuts, etc! Seriously, the big changes (from my personal perspective) started after 67. Up to that point, there wasn't too much heading south - after that, it's a fact of life that it's starting to happen! So be it - I'll keep up with every single beauty routine I have and will kiss the next kid who asks me if  I qualify for a senior discount!!





@ 67 - that's when I stopped seeing the delineation between my chin & my neck.


Glad I saw your post.  I should start using my Nu-Face again

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Re: Have U Crossed the "tell-tale" Beauty Bridge?

I was in the ER last June and was given a pregnancy test unknown to me. They came back with the other blood work and told me I was indeed not pregnant so they could proceed with further testing. I replied I am 64, why would you run a pregnancy test? The doctor said I looked like I was young enough to be, so he just ordered the test. Clearly, he never looked at my birth date.


Any time lately I feel down about my appearance, I think of that. It kind of cheers me up.


I attribute my youthful appearance to staying out of the sun.

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Re: Have U Crossed the "tell-tale" Beauty Bridge?

[ Edited ]

@Trinity11 wrote:

I was in the ER last June and was given a pregnancy test unknown to me. They came back with the other blood work and told me I was indeed not pregnant so they could proceed with further testing. I replied I am 64, why would you run a pregnancy test? The doctor said I looked like I was young enough to be, so he just ordered the test. Clearly, he never looked at my birth date.


Any time lately I feel down about my appearance, I think of that. It kind of cheers me up.


I attribute my youthful appearance to staying out of the sun.


@Trinity11Wow, that is something else!  I bet that cheers you up!  What skin care items do you use?  Any tips for around the eyes, lids & underneath?

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Re: Have U Crossed the "tell-tale" Beauty Bridge?

@AnnMarie-1 wrote:

@Trinity11 wrote:

I was in the ER last June and was given a pregnancy test unknown to me. They came back with the other blood work and told me I was indeed not pregnant so they could proceed with further testing. I replied I am 64, why would you run a pregnancy test? The doctor said I looked like I was young enough to be, so he just ordered the test. Clearly, he never looked at my birth date.


Any time lately I feel down about my appearance, I think of that. It kind of cheers me up.


I attribute my youthful appearance to staying out of the sun.


@Trinity11Wow, that is something else!  I bet that cheers you up!  What skin care items do you use?  Any tips for around the eyes, lids & underneath?

Hi @AnnMarie-1. I use Philosophy Purity to wash with my face and the Clarisonic 3 times a week for exfoliation. My moisturizer is Bobbi Brown and I don't use anti-aging products. No eye cream because I find they make my eyes red or itchy. Most of what I do comes from years of experimenting and never finding they do anything but make my sensitive skin red. 



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Re: Have U Crossed the "tell-tale" Beauty Bridge?

[ Edited ]

@blueroses47  Isn't it so inspiring to see an older woman who looks so great?!  That woman I saw was not only chic, but she just looked so cool. Her style and her confidence were so inspiring to me.


I was at the airport with my daughter last Summer, and I saw this lady standing in line. She had long grey hair tied back in a braid and she was dressed in a boho fashion. Again, she just looked so cool!  I complemented her on how great she looked and she was so nice in her reply. I saw another woman at the grocery store who had a grey hair Jamie Lee pixie, a denim jacket with a gorgeous flower pin on the lapel. Again, I complemented her on her look.


Those women are out there and they give me such hope. I told my husband recently that at my age I am glad he finds me attractive, but honestly it's all about me now. I raised my kids and lived that life and now I want to look in the mirror and like what I see. Others may see just another older lady, but I still see me and I will try to honor myself by taking care of myself.