Posts: 58
Registered: ‎08-11-2010

Hate to Love...My RTM Journey

Have you ever had a product that you tried and tried, wishing it would work, but never got the results that you wanted and then one day decided to give it a try again and it works?!?!??? {#emotions_dlg.blink}

I am having that experience right now with WEN Fig RTM. I recieved full-sized RTMs with a TSV AD that I had signed up for (maybe two years ago?) and tried three of them SAM, LAV and Fig. None of them worked.

My hair became dry and tangled. My well-defined curls turned into to a frizzy, undefined afro. There was major shrinkage! {#emotions_dlg.scared} I havent used these RTMs in over a year, but I held onto them thinking that maybe they would work out one day.

After watching the WEN shows this past June and hearing Chaz say to put the RTM on at night to hydrate your hair, I decided to spray my hair with the Fig RTM at night to see if it would do anything. At least it wouldnt mess up my hair during the day and I could wash it out in the morning. I figured I had nothing to loose.

I was shocked when I woke up the next morning! My hair was so soft and silky! I thought it was a fluke. I have been using it for the past week or so and everytime that I use it, I get the same results.

I dont know why it is working now, when it never worked before, but I am glad that it did. I also wonder if it has something to do with the SHP. My hair loves that and I am thinking that the fig/peach/honey combination is HG for my hair.

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Re: Hate to Love...My RTM Journey

That's Awesome! Glad it's working for you! I love the smell of the POM RTM so I use it on my body also, and it gives me great moisture.
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Re: Hate to Love...My RTM Journey

allison1998 that's great that you've found a way to make the RTMs works for you.

I have thin/fine hair and the RTMs haven't seemed to work for me, but I've never tried usiing them at night so I'm going to give that a try. I don't remember Chaz mentioning this but I probably tune out during the RTM presentations since they haven't worked for me.

Thanks again for this new tip for me!! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

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Re: Hate to Love...My RTM Journey

I remember him saying that but never thought about doing it - DUH. Should know by now that Chaz knows what he's talking about -lol. thanks for the tip, Allison, I'm definitely going to try it.

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Re: Hate to Love...My RTM Journey

I always seem to find that I love Wen products that I didn't like in the past. Right now, I am loving the Pom cc. I have never really liked Pom until now. In fact, I have given away bottles of pom that came in other kits because I didn't like it much. Well, now I am ordering it in the 32 oz. size. Who knew?? This has happened with other products as well. It is very strange. I have learned to hold onto things in hopes that I might like them again. It's a good thing you kept your RTM.
Smiley Happy Hilary
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Re: Hate to Love...My RTM Journey

Glad you got it to work for you!

I wish it worked for my hair as I love the scent of some of them but it just doesn't.

Posts: 58
Registered: ‎08-11-2010

Re: Hate to Love...My RTM Journey

Thanks ladies. I have only tried this with the Fig RTM. I dont know if it will work with the SAM and LAV RTMs and I am kinda scared to try it.

If I can get the same results consistantly from this bottle, then I would seriously consider purchasing another full-sized bottle.

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Re: Hate to Love...My RTM Journey

Hi Allison. The night before I wash my hair, I put the oils on my scalp and RTM on my hair. I use BGT, SHP or 613. My hair is always nicer when I do that. I've been only doing it on one wash a week, but I will try to remember to do it every time.