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Hair Color Question - Any professionals here willing to give me some advice?

I need some hair coloring advice. I do my coloring at home and have for years. I have very long hair - belong my bust line.

Normally, this isn't a problem, as I just color the root area for re-growth. If I were to color the whole head of hair, I would need 2 hair coloring kits.

Here is my question (or questions). Since my hair color product and color were retired, I have been struggling to find the the right color for me. So, I've been getting a lot of hits and misses -- trial and error I guess you would say.

I have very light blonde hair. I want to attempt to go somewhat darker. I still want to stay blonde but just go a couple of shades darker.

When I read the directions on the package, I feel they are kind of vague about how to apply to hair which has been colored all over in the past. When doing re-growth only, the average time is about 25 minutes and then to do the rest, they say about 5.

Now --- if I am going to attempt to do a totally new color --- the somewhat darker shade of blonde --- is 5 minutes going to be enough to do the rest of my hair, so that it will all match? What I mean is --- since I am re-coloring my whole head of hair, and not just the re-growth, do I still follow the re-growth instructions ---- or---- am I going to apply the product to my whole head of hair --- and then leaving it on the whole head of hair for the entire 25 to 30 minutes?

Also, since I will need to use 2 hair coloring kits, do I mix up both bottles at the same time? I am assuming I do.

Thank you so much for the help.

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Hair Color Question - Any professionals here willing to give me some advice?

You didn't mention what color your natural roots are. If they are gray to dark brown, apply the new color to the roots only.. leave on about 20 minutes, pull the color through to the rest of the hair and leave on for about 10-15 minutes.

Take a wet old towel and wipe off the color from a small section of hair to see if the color is even and what you want. If not, leave on another 5 minutes and check again and so on until the color saturation is even.

I am assuming the color is not a bleach, but a permanent color formula. Color left on the hair longer than the directions direct will not over color your hair or make it darker or lighter. If not left on long enough, the color will not properly saturate and will look washed out or just stained.

You do not need to open and mix both bottles at the same time. Color starts oxidizing as soon as it is mixed with the developer. So is should be used ASAP when opened. Hair color is not like paint where you need to mix both bottles to receive the same color results.

Check the directions on your instruction page. Most hair color companies have an CS Dept that you can call if you need help. The CS numbers are also listed on line at their website.

Good luck and happy coloring!

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Re: Hair Color Question - Any professionals here willing to give me some advice?

I also think a call to the co. is in order. Sometimes they can be helpful. You would need the minimum 30 minutes for the entire head since you are changing the color, and I would do the gray parts first for 15 minutes before doing the rest of your hair. Please let us know how it goes.

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Re: Hair Color Question - Any professionals here willing to give me some advice?

Since you say you've been coloring your hair for years your hair is colored so you will only want to leave color on your hair about 5 min. Only the roots, your uncolored virgin hair can take the color for 30 min. Start with the roots. Mix one bottle for that.
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Re: Hair Color Question - Any professionals here willing to give me some advice?

I would call the 800# they provide but I have a friend that started coloring her own hair & like you, she wanted a shade deeper which you want 2 shades deeper. She used the brand Revlon Color Silk but now uses the 3D version. When she first started she called their info.#, The Rep. advised her to do her roots first, if her gray re-growth was color resistant to leave it on for an extra 10 min. then just apply to the rest of her head for 5 minutes. Well that didn't work at all, her roots were darker & the rest of hair was lighter.

So the next time she colored it, she did her roots & left it on for 15min. then applied it to her whole head for an additional 15 min. & it came out nice & I have to say that 3-D she uses gave her some really natural looking highlights.

I have been toying with coloring my hair myself but I still have it done by a Colorist.

What brand are you going to use? Try to use an Amonia Free Color & altho I am no pro I would advise to start with 1 shade darker as I'm assuming you are using a permanent color. If you don't like it, you can always go 2 shades deeper. Just a thought...Good Luck!

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Re: Hair Color Question - Any professionals here willing to give me some advice?

Five minutes is never enough time to change the color of your hair...even on the ends. You need at least 15 minutes or longer. Five minutes is used to refresh color on the ends only.

When I colored my hair, it took 60 minutes to cover the gray. Everyone is different. Please check your color to see if it is the desired shade before rinsing it off...just like a professional.

It's important to leave the color on long enough to saturate the hair shaft.

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Re: Hair Color Question - Any professionals here willing to give me some advice?

Just thought I'd tell my experience with hair coloring. Have done it for decades. Many years ago, found "Nice 'N Easy" to be the formula that goes the farthest, and never needed a 2nd box for long hair. I put it on the root area (gray, and often long) first, then right after that, all over the rest of the hair. After 45 minutes, I wash it out. Lovely blonde hair again. For the last couple of years, my dh had colored my hair for me, because of my arm problems. It made him nervous, even though it always turned out fine.

I go to a Senior Stylist who is very expensive, for even just a shampoo, cut and style. When I talked to her about coloring my hair, she said, "I have to be honest with you. Whatever you and your husband are doing in coloring your hair, I cannot do a nicer job." Said my coloring was really nice, and unless I want to spend the money to have her do it, continue to use the product I'm using.

As I said, it's a formula that's easy to use, and isn't too thick, so it covers all of the hair really well. The color actually LASTS, doesn't fade, and is very inexpensive.

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Re: Hair Color Question - Any professionals here willing to give me some advice?

She used the brand Revlon Color Silk but now uses the 3D version.

I called Revlon to ask about the 3D version. I was told that the only difference between the regular and the 3D version was that the conditioner was different. I persisted and was told again that was the only difference, which I found strange as how would that affect the color?

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Re: Hair Color Question - Any professionals here willing to give me some advice?

Thank you all for your wonderful advice!

My hair naturally is a dark dishwater blonde or considered a very, very light brown, and has a lot of gray in it.

When I use 1 kit -- which I usually do, because I have been just doing the re-growth of the roots, it is enough for that. But if I try and thread a little through the rest for a few minutes, just to refresh a bit, I really don't have enough product. So, if I were to do my entire head of hair, I really think I would need 2.

So, if I am using 2 kits, then I would use one up and then mix the second and not mix the both at a time.

I will try to get more information from the product sheet that comes with the product by calling as you suggested.

I have been trying different brands as I have been trying to find a color I really like and which would be a good match for what is on my hair previously. So, far, I have not hit on the right one.

Thanks so much. I truly appreciate all your help!

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Hair Color Question - Any professionals here willing to give me some advice?

I have been dyeing my hair since I was 12. I have to use an ammonia based product and anything longer than my chin and I need two boxes. I currently have a very short bob/long pixie and use a full box of Vidal Sassoon Medium Vibrant Red 5RR. It is a great color that I have now had for about a year. When I color, I just do the whole head to make sure I get it all. I start with the roots in 1/4" sections and work around to the back, then spread the rest over the rest of the head and comb it all through with a medium sized comb. I let it sit for 45 minutes with a shower cap on, then rinse. Red will continue to rinse out as you shampoo/CC. It washes out with either for me, though WEN is fine for some people and doesn't bleed but it does with mine due to hair type. I have super fine, super thick hair, so years of practice have perfected it for me. I do my sister's and mother's for them. It is way cheaper and allows me to buy other beauty products.