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[ Edited ]

Ok, I got something up picture wise.  But do you see the difference from last year 2023 to now 2024?  There is no sag.  Maybe I'm to judgemental and just need a good exfolation. Side profile and jaw line is nice too.  It all filled out on its own other than me not  exfoliating?


I see with some kind of good facial next week.

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Registered: ‎07-10-2019

I went to the medical spa today.  Spent over 2 hours there and she was so informative.  Want to mention she is really educated  on skin and went to a very good academy. First off I went  to see her where they actually take the time to examine your skin and see what's going on.  Instead of someone selling more laser treatments immediately without assessment for you.


Then  after looking at my skin real close under light  she said I have "actinic rosacea" - acne rosacea. That was diagnosis. 


(it  was so relaxing like the old days with no pressure too...her Mom has it and is not fair skinned either.


Before I forget she said, you are in no condition right now to consider any more laser's including IPL until you get balanced once more. And it will take awhile. No way.


I do not have enlarged pores, skin is healthy yet very congested.

We talked about lifestyle changes, etc.  I am under alot of stress the past few months and years too and I do believe this is the culprit.  No food changes, etc.   She said  at a year later with tetra "cool peel"  has nothing to do with my condition now, as it would have shown soon after treatment finished.  (BTW some love and some don't - I'm not sure but something worked for me with it so far.


This was so relaxing like years past. Soft music, a little upper body massage, I almost fell asleep.  Getting undressed, a real spa like atmosphere but with knowledge.  They have 5 in New Jersey if your in that area. 


Ok.  She started with an "enzyme exfoliant" as my skin is so inflamed she would not use their normal.  Enzymes better.  And oh yes, I told her abut Gross acid pads and she said there is no way I would use them on you or many others.  They can be too harsh.  I'm sorry I started on and off 6 years ago.


Picked at my pustules one by one.  Then there were some tough ones and she used "radio frequency" to dissolve them. It's a bunch of sharp pinches. They should dissipate in a few days, minus one stubborn one.  She does not want to scar me. (Like that about her)


Before I forget she recommended drugs store cleansers.  I'm going to purchase Cerave cream cleanser (foam is more drying and not for everyone)  another mistake.  I used neutrogena foam cleanser for 7 years.  Probably another contributor for returning rosacea?  I use Cerave moisturizing lotion snd she said perfect on that as it won't smother skin.  It's lighter. Cream's vs. foam better for sensitive skin and make a big difference.


Then after all I got 10 minutes of red light therapy, blue too, and finally mask and massage which was a peel off one while getting neck and shoulder massage.


Now to the good things.  I talked about you @SilleeMee  and your routine and skin and our educated background.  I said, oh I wish I could use tret so much!  She said yes you can.  We discussed Paula's choice 1 percent which I think you mentioned, but I didn't know how to handle it. She did give a thumbs up for Paula's if that what people are happy with.  it's a retinoid but effective.  I guess it is a process.


So they have their own formula and I purchased it.  I will rest my skin after today with all the extractions, redness,   until Friday and start.  It's .025 tret, niacinamide for redness, and one other component which I forgot. On Friday -  Cerave lotion first,, a few small spots of tret on skin rubbing around, then after drying use another layer of cerave mositurizing lotion.  Only 2 times a week at night to start.  I purchased it.  This is a smooth start.


I will see her in a another 4 weeks.  It was so refreshing to talk about skin once again. Smiley Happy


OH, I forgot about hydrafacial.  She says no way for you.  It would in fact worsen your rosacea.  It is only to be used for a certain skin type which I think not fair by any stretch.  She said I would have blown up.











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Sounds like you are on your way to getting back your healthy skin. Hope everything goes as planned!Woman Happy

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@Pink123  Wow, I can't believe your Cool Peel laser treatments were a year ago. Prior to you seeing this new facialist I was thinking that you should probably lay off future invasive treatments that damage the skin before it heals. So glad you enjoyed this recent experience (I get a customized facial every 6 weeks or so). It sounds like you have put together a smart skincare routine going forward.

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@LuvSoCal wrote:

@Pink123  Wow, I can't believe your Cool Peel laser treatments were a year ago. Prior to you seeing this new facialist I was thinking that you should probably lay off future invasive treatments that damage the skin before it heals. So glad you enjoyed this recent experience (I get a customized facial every 6 weeks or so). It sounds like you have put together a smart skincare routine going forward.

Thank you @LuvSoCal  You do have them every 6 weeks?  How nice that sounds to hear.  I used to but it was years back before I started getting IPL.


I'm looking forward to seeing her again and as said before very interested in the field. So relaxing. Smiley Happy

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I forgot to mention yesterday she also gave me 2 little samples of a "sulphur" which is very good for my type of skin.  She told me to lmix it in with the Cerave creme cleanser.


I do know sulphur is good for skin.

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Registered: ‎07-10-2019


[ Edited ]

Someone asked me if I have used somethibngelse facial wise.  I said no.


Now I'm thinking back over 6 months ago I switched from Lancome powder foundation which is pretty light and airy.  I've used it for 30 years at least.


Anyway I started regularly with use it daily in the Florida heat.  Meaning the "studio fix powder foundation".


Could this be the culprit?  It is very heavy and well studio type makeup is heavy. Did this do it?


Just a curiousity.  But it still would have cleared up staying away from all makeup for a week.  I'm grasping at straws.