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Re: HSN - True fo Form Autoship Messed Up

I was just watching Skip present  the Black Rice eye serum and he said if its free ship with and you choose auto ship the free cshipping continues.  He made it sound like this was a given for all free ship items with auto ship, but maybe he only meant this item...

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Re: HSN - True fo Form Autoship Messed Up

[ Edited ]

@MrsCat21 wrote:

I was just watching Skip present  the Black Rice eye serum and he said if its free ship with and you choose auto ship the free cshipping continues.  He made it sound like this was a given for all free ship items with auto ship, but maybe he only meant this item...

That's what he said last night too when presenting something.  Now I can't recall which product but it made the impression on me regarding future shipments. . 

Posts: 27
Registered: ‎02-15-2019

Re: HSN - True fo Form Autoship Messed Up

All of my Beekman a/s, 4 in total, have been cancelled without any warning. But that's ok. It is over priced with a gimmick-them and their poor little goats-I guess that's their form of KINDNESS>>>>>>>>don't need or want it anymore anyway

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Re: HSN - True fo Form Autoship Messed Up

@clearpmurt wrote:

All of my Beekman a/s, 4 in total, have been cancelled without any warning. But that's ok. It is over priced with a gimmick-them and their poor little goats-I guess that's their form of KINDNESS>>>>>>>>don't need or want it anymore anyway

I currently have three Beekman products on auto ship and have had no issues.

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Re: HSN - True fo Form Autoship Messed Up

This may or may not be the case, but, you could check. 


If your item normally has a shipping fee, on your auto-ship manager it will show your future shipments have a shipping fee. If free ship was offered on auto-delivery, that fee is taken off at the time of shipping/billing. Yes, much more complicated than need be.


They really need to update billing as this causes confusion for the customer, and time wasted.


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Posts: 24,254
Registered: ‎10-03-2011

Re: HSN - True fo Form Autoship Messed Up

[ Edited ]

And here's another same ol' same ol' with HSN....


I ordered the Mandorla Body Oil A/S for $25.95 plus $3.50.  Today, I checked my shipping schedule and discovered future shipments were bumped up to $50.00 plus shipping.  I called CS and asked for a supervisor.  Adam was very helpful and honored the on air presentation and verbiage on the item page and repriced my future shipments.  Sometimes it's been very frustrating to get this type of error corrected but he was probably the first who understood my position and immediately did the right thing.  I'm stuck with the shipping but that's ok.

So, if you set up this item on A/S, check yours to make sure the pricing is correct.  If not, call Adam!