Posts: 23
Registered: ‎09-07-2011

Gunthy Renker & WEN, What is the deal?

Sorry if this has been discussed before but...I can't find it here and it is peeving me!

First off, Gunthy Renker is not very well-liked around the internet and I'm disappointed that Chaz has "teamed" up with them.

There are so many complaints about that company ALL over the internet, and the customers don't blame GR, they say terrible things about Chaz and what a rip-off HE is, while it's GR doing the ripping off.

For instance, I was a Proactive customer and a Wen customer through them a long time ago and they have horrible customer service. I do understand you are signing up for Auto-Del with them, but they sent me extra products (not included w normal shipment) I didn't order and then refused to give me my money back until I threatened chargeback. So, I cancelled my subscription with their rep straight account was deactivated online when I checked...3 months later they ship me a $100 product set with no email warning AFTER I had cancelled. I also cancelled my WEN...bc then I found QVC. The credit card they had on file I cancelled, BUT I still got sent another $100 bill with no warning. When you call, they say no to everything but as soon as you threaten to contact Visa, they take it back (bc they know their wrong?) My account was cancelled, and my credit card did not exist but they STILL sent me things just with a nice little paper bill attached instead....

THE POINT: Why does Chaz do business with this company when he is getting the bad rap when Gunthy Renker does not treat customers fairly? Money I would assume but still. They are saying really bad things about Chaz that I would imagine are not true. I wonder if he even realizes the effect it is having on his product's image to those who only buy through GR.

Same with Proactive; so many are mad at them but it's Gunthy Renker.

I feel like it's a no-win him being teamed up, but I know I don't understand.

And once and for all...the formula that Gunthy Renker sell is or is not different from the real WEN? I've heard it both ways, but the ingredients are different on my bottles.

Sorry for the rant!! Thanks for listening