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Posts: 719
Registered: ‎06-22-2012

Great demonstration of how Wen Cleansing Conditioner "cleanses"

I cleaned all my makeup brushes tonight with Wen and as I cleansed, rinsed, and repeated I thought wow this would be a very effective demonstration of how Wen works! I don't have a mirror in my shower (LOL!) so it was interesting to me to see it in action.

I treated each brush as I do my hair, and it really validated why the instructions are so important to follow!

For each brush, from very dense foundation brushes to the littlest of eyeshadow brushes... this is what I did:

1) Rinse (for makeup brushes this wasn't long lol).

2) Tiny squirt of Wen (I used Fig) into the palm of my hand.

3) Swirl brush in Wen and then massage around for about a minute... used my fingers to really get it into the bigger brushes. Whoooa look at all that makeup coming off! It's like it latches on to the Wen!

4) Rinse. When I rinsed the water ran clear, all the makeup was still on the Wen in my hand. This of course would be on your head if you were washing your hair, so all the more reason to rinse, rinse, rinse.

5) Repeat steps 2-4. Amazing to see how much more makeup came off, even with the tiniest of eyeshadow brushes and even brushes I hardly use!

6) Blot with paper towel and set out to dry.

OK I already knew personally how well the cleanse, rinse, and repeat method worked for me but this was a great way to visually see it working. I also thought this showed how important it is to massage the cleanser through the hair, as I didn't really see the effects of Wen pulling out the makeup until about 5-10 seconds into the massaging action on my palm. During the second cleanse I could see a good froth/foam going.

Try it, and you'll see! Maybe Chaz should do this in a demo!?