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Registered: ‎05-18-2013

Re: Girl's weekend away goody bag

Check out the beauty sections at TJ Maxx and Marshalls. They often have really nice name brand sets of nail polish and lip gloss, as well as smaller sizes of philosophy shower gels and other stuff like that.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Girl's weekend away goody bag

Neat ideas! Wish I were going with you!!

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Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Re: Girl's weekend away goody bag

I wouldn't do dollar store junk or old GWP stuff you don't want. If you want to do that then just offer it up, don't make it gift. That's like unloading your junk on someone.

IMO, one or two quality items that maybe they don't splurge on themselves would be nice.... quality chocolate, a starbucks gift card and a beauty item like a nail polish in a make up bag would be cute. A few years ago, I hosted a girls night. I gave a little favor at the end: a chocolate bar and a little potted plant. Cause after all, it's the thought that counts.

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Posts: 466
Registered: ‎02-18-2011

Re: Girl's weekend away goody bag

Now that I know this is for grown (girls), I would skip the trinkets. I wouldn't include items that you know that they just will look at it say that it is cute but you know they'll never use. I think nice hand creams, nice chocolates, breath mints, hand sanitizers, mini lint brushes, blotting papers, lip balms, etc. are nice and would actually being used and appreciated. Unless a nail polish is neutral and a nice quality, I don't think it would be used. Just look at how hard it is to choose a polish for yourself. Trying to select for other women would be extremely difficult. Whatever you decide, enjoy yourself! Sounds fun.