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Re: Funny how many Q beauty brands defy Paula's teachings

@HomeShoppingLover87 wrote:

@suzyQ3 Alright, sorry, misunderstanding on both parts. But for the record, I do trust Paula and do not believe that anything natural is good for the skin just because it came from the earth.



Wow. I usually pride myself on reading comprehension. Guess I need a remedial class.



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Re: Funny how many Q beauty brands defy Paula's teachings

@suzyQ3 Hahaha. It happens. As someone who even uses the term "reading comprehension," I trust that you're normally on the money. So many people seem to just skim, pick out a few key words and interpret from that. It's disturbing, really...

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Re: Funny how many Q beauty brands defy Paula's teachings

@HomeShoppingLover87 wrote:

@suzyQ3 Hahaha. It happens. As someone who even uses the term "reading comprehension," I trust that you're normally on the money. So many people seem to just skim, pick out a few key words and interpret from that. It's disturbing, really...

You are preaching to the choir! :-) It's disturbing on so many levels, some far more important than this or that skincare cream.



~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Funny how many Q beauty brands defy Paula's teachings

@HomeShoppingLover87 wrote:

I have been a follower of Paule Begoun's ever since a terrible undereye reaction to some product I still haven't identified. My skin is perfectly fine ever since I started avoiding products with any of Paula's no-no ingredients (fragrance, lavender, menthol, mint, etc.) 


But it's funny to me how many of the brands QVC sells have these ingredients (and some even get terrible reviews on Paula's website for that reason), yet they tout her expertise. You can't have it both ways! 


I guess maybe they'd argue that some people don't have sensitive skin, and therefore don't need to avoid certain ingredients. But I had seemingly invincible skin that could withstand any product until whatever that one was I put under my eyes (was using several different creams and concealers at the time, so I really don't know what it was, unfortunately). Since it's well-documented that you can develop skin-sensitivity, I just avoid all commonly irritating ingredients to be safe. 



Who touts her expertise?

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Re: Funny how many Q beauty brands defy Paula's teachings

@Tinkrbl44 Well, I mostly only see Shawn host Paula's shows, but I've also heard Sandra talk about Paula's credentials.

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Re: Funny how many Q beauty brands defy Paula's teachings

@HomeShoppingLover87 wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 Well, I mostly only see Shawn host Paula's shows, but I've also heard Sandra talk about Paula's credentials.

All the hosts do that in some form when introducing the vendor.

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Re: Funny how many Q beauty brands defy Paula's teachings

The irony is that Paula Begoun decided to become a shopping channel vendor in the first place. In her early books she was critical of them.

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Re: Funny how many Q beauty brands defy Paula's teachings

@JeanLouiseFinch Not to the extent they do with Paula. They always talk about how she understands the science and is the "cosmetics cop." 

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Re: Funny how many Q beauty brands defy Paula's teachings

@TY wrote:

The irony is that Paula Begoun decided to become a shopping channel vendor in the first place. In her early books she was critical of them.

Things change. But IIRC, her venture into home shopping came after she became a minority owner (still the face of the company, though).


As for what the hosts tout as her strength, no surprise there. They always try to home in on the advantages and expertise of whatever company they're presenting.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Funny how many Q beauty brands defy Paula's teachings

First, tho I've certainly heard of Paul Beguin, I've never made any effort to follow her. I literally don't have an opinion regarding her overalll expertise  That said, it's not at all unusual for experts to have varying opinions, up to and including complete disagreement, regarding specific ingredients. As long as claims regarding the product meet FTC guidelines, I wouldn't expect QVC to do much censoring. 


As far as your skin issue, reactions are due to an ingredient (or ingredients) in the product, not the product. And, yes, they can happen at any time. You say you don't know the cause. So it could certainly be from a "likely" irritant. But it could also be from an ingredient that seldom causes problems for users. Or it could be from traces of something that happened to be on your hands