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I have seen this before and agree it's hilarious. This is the same designer who made a dress that looks like the plastic wrapper you get from the dry cleaners.

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Call me old. I worry that using that type of bottle which does closely resemble Windex is not something I would use in front of kids. I know my kids and grandkids mimic so much of what they see and spraying chemicals on theirselves could be an issue. 

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It achieved a marketing goal of differentiation! It has us talking about it, and it may be something we otherwise may not have noticed. But I do look at it and automatically think about the smell of windex.

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@Greeneyedlady21  A sign of the times.............

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I think it's fun and the picture is deceiving.  It's small, not the size of a regular Windex bottle. 

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@Anonymous032819   Stupid idea.

kindness is strength
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Love it!  It's fun,I need fun. 

Trees are the lungs of the Earth