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Free gift from PTR..update!

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Has anyone received the free gift from PTR for the cancellation of an auto delivery plan? I received this email on November 27 and I have not received my cream? I was looking so forward to it.IMG_5499.jpeg

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No but I would call the customer service phone number and see what they say.

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@Firecat1984 What did Customer Service say about it?  I expect you would have called them first as instructed.

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I wanted to ask here first. Sometimes I'm just impatient 😂😂😂😂it said 2weeks,but being around Christmas time I just might be early. I will call in another week or so. I get so much info on this site!! You all are amazing!!!!

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Re: Free gift from PTR

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@Firecat1984 - What a coincidence.  I was just thinking about this today for the same reason.


I've never received anything and I got that same email.  If you find out anything, could you post about it?


I've just sent feedback to QVC because of the recent GWP that was offered today, with the purchase of certain items.


It appears the GWP was only going to be honored during the hour of the show.  Well, I'm on the East Coast and the show was at 1:00 a.m.!  By the time I watched the recording of it, even though some items were still available, the GWP wasn't there.


So, no sale from me.  I told them how nice for anyone on the West Coast; not so much for their customers here who might not stay up till all hours. Poor business practice, if you ask me.


As to the "Heroes" set that was cancelled, it was offered online after I got that email, and my shipment schedule was still there, so that was totally confusing.  It has now disappeared, but it was there for a while and my A/D has only recently been canceled.


@Beth-QVC @Barbara-QVC or any mod:  any further information on this?

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I too received the email but have not received anything.

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Re: Free gift from PTR

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Well, it seems we're not going to get any answers on this and I doubt any 
"gift" as way of an apology.  Certainly it's been well over two weeks; getting closer to two months.


Since we haven't heard anything from the mods, I think I'll send some feedback.  This is the second issue recently for me with PTR.




I've sent feedback, asking if we're going to receive this and could they at least provide some updated information.  No idea if that will do any good, but I'll let you know, if I hear back.

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Hello all!!! Just an update on the free gift!!!

I received it yesterday!!! Thank you Peter Thomas Roth for the water drench cream!!!

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Anyone else get there gift???


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Re: Free gift from PTR

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@Firecat1984 - Nope, nothing for me yet.  Maybe the feedback I sent kicked them into action.  I can hope.


(Or maybe when I tagged the mods in my first reply, they followed up on it after all.)