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Posts: 609
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Finally received the last Perricone TSV and for all those who say it stinks...

I bought the neuropeptide face cream earlier on when it came out and do agree that it stunk like fish, but for me the smell went away soon enough that I could continue to use it. Well today I tried my new tube from the last TSV and this smell sooooooo much better then the original. I remember a huge debate back then after the cream had been out a few years and alllll the complaints about the smell the tubes weren't as potent as the beginning. Today's tube smells even lighter then th first, so ladies, hold your breath from a bit and take one for beauty! LOL! If it works, and I think it does somewhat, its worth it right, girls?!?!?! 

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,835
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Finally received the last Perricone TSV and for all those who say it stinks...

Was Catcus Jack someone famous for kids in the south in the 60's?

Valued Contributor
Posts: 609
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Finally received the last Perricone TSV and for all those who say it stinks...

Ummmm, maybe? But I didn't choose my name because of that. It was a combination of a name and a brand I once heard. Smiley Happy