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Registered: ‎05-08-2012

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

I've noticed that since the first of the year, Evine hasn't offered free s/h with their card on any purchase.


Fairly recently they offered $1.99 s/h with the Evine card and now you have to spend $75.00 to get free s/h.  I wonder if the days of totally free s/h are gone.

I think they're still trying to figure out what works for them. I remember that survey going around asking about what perks were preferred by their customers.  I think they've tried them all in the last few months. My buying from Evine is down quite a bit.  Will be paying off any remaining value pays in full next month.

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Posts: 1,344
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

I've noticed that since the first of the year, Evine hasn't offered free s/h with their card on any purchase.


Fairly recently they offered $1.99 s/h with the Evine card and now you have to spend $75.00 to get free s/h.  I wonder if the days of totally free s/h are gone.


I wonder that also @Lipstickdiva , spent over $100, when all I really wanted was 2 products that together were just under $75, but had to add on another item to get free shipping...and I used 15% off & Mr Rebates

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Posts: 32,281
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

i got lucky and discovered that the $75 applied only to the pre coupon prices, so I spent $80, and then got my 15% off and free shipping at $68 for my total.