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@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

Well someone must be buying them or they wouldn't keep showing them.  I'm just saying.......

Or they bought too many and have a lot to get rid of.

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I like mine too. However, I don't care for the presentations, especially when a certain host is on there pretending to do her underar!
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@beach-mom wrote:

@jewel3 wrote:

I love mine. Wish I had had it years ago.

Same. I've gone from shaving my legs two or three times a week to shaving them maybe once every two to three weeks - even in summer! I still can't believe it! Smiley Happy

i totally agree !!!  i absolutely love mine, and it has made summer so much more enjoyable for me.   the little hair that does grow back is so baby fine (like peach fuzz) that there isn't even any urgency to shave more than about once a month!  

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Between epilating and home laser, there isn't much left to deal with! Love my epilator!

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I love my Emjoi haven't used a razor in years!


BUT I haven't watched a presentation since I bought mine. If you are not interested why are you watching? Did someone tie you to a chair & steal the TV remote?

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They are in advanced orders and aren't even shipping these until the end of this month so yes, they are selling.

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@rockydog1 wrote:

I wish qvc would stop with the presentations.  How many times do we need to see this?

I bought one and do not like it at all,waste of money

LOL!!!  Sure!  They'll take off every product someone doesn't like! 

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feels like a million tiny razors. Torture !!!!!! took mine back to Bed & Bath.

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For my 60th birthday gave myself the gift of electrolysis for brows, pits, and legs.  Was done in a home setting over a year....not as expensive as lasers which did not work for me although I have thick dark hairs. more daily tweezing and weekly shaving.  Don't even have to think about it.  If you can take tweezing, electrolysis is no big deal.


The Emjoi electric model for pedicure is head and shoulders above the battery-devouring version and quicker.

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I love mine, it's one of my best QVC purchases ever. You know that there are always new QVC customers watching. Their programming is not designed specifically for people that leave it on all day expecting to see something they've never seen. It's also a well known sales tactic that it takes most people multiple viewings before they purchase. 

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