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Dana mentioned that this evening's show (6/18) will have a special guest. Sounds pretty much like maybe Dr. Perricone might be stopping by; or maybe someone else who is a big proponent of his products. Who do you think it might be?

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@World Traveler wrote:

June 18 - TSV will be the Neuropeptide and Cold Plasma Pus Face and Body, which will be $179.92 and availailable on six easy payments; also auto delivery.



Perricone TSV June 2019.jpg

We always turn over to find out what the TSV is on HSN & QVC at 11:00 before going to bed.  By the time I changed over to QVC they were mid-presentation and were talking about the Fragile Skin Therapy.  I told jokingly my husband he needed to get that stuff.  He's 11 yrs older than me and in the last year I have noticed (and commented on) how thin skin he is getting.  He bleeds whenever the cat gives him love bites and he also gets those dark bruises that don't go away all the time.  I, on the other hand, stepped on a rotten deck board and fell all the way up to my butt through the deck and barely any bruising whatsoever.

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Dana looks so beautiful!  Watching her on air right now....vibrant and healthy!  She is amazing!!  Go Dana!!  


I admit I don't use this line of skin care but just check in to see how the rep is doing....glad to see her today.

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@Icegoddess WOW! That must have hurt. So glad you barely had any bruising. Maybe he would like to try the Perricone products. ha!


Did you see Dr. Perricone on there? Loved seeing him and listening to him. He definitely prefers to be behind the scenes, but I thought it was nice he appeared for a couple of the shows.

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@World Traveler 

I have never used any of his products either.  I thought about it recently when Costco had some Cold Plasma for the face on sale, but then backed out after reading it smelled like fish.  Normally, his products are out of my price range.  I'll take care of my skin, but there's a limit.  


Yes, he was on at the midnight showing, but I didn't think anything of it.  I didn't realize he doesn't do many of the shows.  

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@Icegoddess I've never seen him on a Perricone show since I started watching them (four years ago). He may have been and I missed it. I know Dana has said that he prefers to work in his lab and I just think he is uncomfortable being in front of an audience. Could be wrong on that. Did enjoy seeing him. Heart


By the way, I have the cold plasma for the eyes, face, and neck. Does not smell bad.


I think you are talking about the facial cream, the white tube they had as part of the TSV today. And as she mentioned a few times, they have removed most, if not all, of that smell. It was the raw ingredients and Dr. P didn't want to have anything in his product but the things that make his product work.


But there were so many complaints, that I guess he finally capitulated. I never minded how it smelled for around 30 seconds. In fact, I prefer that prior formula to the one they have now, as I feel it lasted longer. I probably have three months left on the new formula, and it should have lasted me a full six months, like the prior formula.



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@World Traveler 

I'm not sure if that was it or not.  I remember it being Cold Plasma for the face and it came in a jar, not a tube.  Costco no longer has it, but you can never rely on them having anything over time.  Seems every time we find something there we like, they quit selling it, but then again, that's the story of my life.  

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I truly wish Dana the best of health and hope she has beat the cancer.  I noticed tonight how shiny her face was -- her cheeks and forehead.  I do hope she reconsiders her makeup choice.  I hope she is not wearing the makeup trying to look healthy.

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Dana appears, to me, anyway, to only wear the Perricone products and no make up. She is always adding products to her face and I believe she wants to show how healthy natural skin can look. I did hear her mention, when she jumped into a different vendor’s in air show, that she is in the throws of hot flashes. It could very well be that part of her dewy look is not only moisturizers but also, as we say in the south, “glistening”? I am so thankful to see she looks so healthy since reading that she was battling cancer.