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Registered: ‎10-15-2018
@x Hedge, wow, thanks for that info! I was going to pick up a grey one for my car! Not now!! 👍
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A steering wheel cover for a headband?? How big is your head?? I haven't seen these in person but just the thought of them, they'd be way, way too big to fit on someones head. JMO

"Pure Michigan"
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Those are really neat! I haven't seen those but I will have to check my Dollar Tree again to see if they have them! 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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@ID2 wrote:

A steering wheel cover for a headband?? How big is your head?? I haven't seen these in person but just the thought of them, they'd be way, way too big to fit on someones head. JMO

@ID2  Apparently they are NOT too big for a headband...the OP says they work fine for her. You realize that you are, unintentionally of course, saying she's not truthful?

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Posts: 3,940
Registered: ‎12-10-2016

@ID2 wrote:

A steering wheel cover for a headband?? How big is your head?? I haven't seen these in person but just the thought of them, they'd be way, way too big to fit on someones head. JMO

@ID2  My head is normal size and these fit perfect.  JMO they  might be really tight on a steering wheel.  They are made of really soft material.

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Posts: 15,801
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

@ID2 wrote:

A steering wheel cover for a headband?? How big is your head?? I haven't seen these in person but just the thought of them, they'd be way, way too big to fit on someones head. JMO



Maybe that's why Dollar Tree has them for sale. They probably won't fit most steering wheels?

I use Tassi.

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Posts: 1,405
Registered: ‎12-15-2013

Anyone who would actually put one of these beyond-el-cheapo covers on their steering wheels and actually drive with it on, should have a brain examination; so, I am revolted that these are even sold as such.


While I appreciate the headband tip, I think I have serious reservations with buying this item, knowing it is dangerous to use as advertised. The thought of someone driving around with this on their steering wheel makes me a little nauseous.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 563
Registered: ‎11-21-2010

I bought two today!  I usually throw a towel over my steering wheel in the summer when necessary.  I think I will try one on my steering wheel and see how easy it would be to put on and take off!  

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,940
Registered: ‎12-10-2016

@FLgardener wrote:

Anyone who would actually put one of these beyond-el-cheapo covers on their steering wheels and actually drive with it on, should have a brain examination; so, I am revolted that these are even sold as such.


While I appreciate the headband tip, I think I have serious reservations with buying this item, knowing it is dangerous to use as advertised. The thought of someone driving around with this on their steering wheel makes me a little nauseous.

@FLgardener  I am leery of some of the products that this store sells but as with anything, one must use their common sense.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,788
Registered: ‎08-18-2016

@Nightowlz wrote:

@ID2 wrote:

A steering wheel cover for a headband?? How big is your head?? I haven't seen these in person but just the thought of them, they'd be way, way too big to fit on someones head. JMO



Maybe that's why Dollar Tree has them for sale. They probably won't fit most steering wheels?

I use Tassi.




Elastic- one size fits all (except maybe tractor steering wheels). 🚜