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Registered: ‎01-21-2012

Does anyone REMEMBER...product that temp. reduces wrinkles

Hey Beauty Sisters - I was watching HSN and their was this product that you put on your face that temporarily reduces the wrinkle lines, then I read the reviews and it was negative. But years ago, I remember a product that people did put on their face, before their makeup, and you let it dry, and it did soften the mouth lines, and wrinkles. Now it was temporary like for the day at work.

Does anyone remember a product like this or KNOW of one that exist NOW that works?

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Re: Does anyone REMEMBER...product that temp. reduces wrinkles

Genie instant line smoother
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Re: Does anyone REMEMBER...product that temp. reduces wrinkles

Silly me, I tried that Genie stuff several years ago. It peeled off and looked awful within a hour. Guess it works if you never move your facial muscles, like smile or blink....

There's some new product with videos on YouTube - I can't remember the name. A girlfriend tried it (verrry expensive) and it did not peel off, but the effects only lasted a few minutes.

I wonder if the HSN product is the same as the YouTube advertisement?

* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
- Eleanor Roosevelt
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Posts: 946
Registered: ‎01-21-2012

Re: Does anyone REMEMBER...product that temp. reduces wrinkles

that's was genie instant line smoother.

I'm search and see if they still make it and the reviews.