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This product is wonderful with many 5-star reviews, yet I have never seen it presented.  Did I miss a presentation?


Anyway, it does everything it claims to do.  Must say I was skeptical (about serums in general and the claims that go with them) until I did a search here and read the reviews.  One of the best investments I've made on a skin care product.  The Q has a good deal on Distinction.  Quite pricey elsewhere.

If your face brightens when you meet a friend, you have struck gold. - unknown
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I have been on auto ship for about 12 years. Use it everyday. Guess it works....I look great!

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Used to be presented on the Q on the air years ago by Leigh Valentine. It was a great serum when serums were first getting popular, I really liked it too.

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I tried it years ago and the first time I used it, someone said wow, you look great all wide awake and ready to go.  I should try it again, although maybe at my age nothing will help me now.

"Never water yourself down just because someone can't handle you 100% proof."
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I've never seen a presentation either, but read the reviews and am going to give it a try.  

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Registered: ‎11-01-2010
I have never heard of this product - just did a QVC search of it. The Reviews are excellent. Where has this been hidiing?
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Posts: 657
Registered: ‎11-01-2010
@JeanLouisFinch - do you use this product? I wasn't sure if your post was pro or con?
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Registered: ‎03-02-2013

@Chisos wrote:
@JeanLouisFinch - do you use this product? I wasn't sure if your post was pro or con?

Bumping - @Jeanlouisefinch...  Smiley Happy

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Posts: 24,126
Registered: ‎10-03-2011

@Chisos wrote:
@JeanLouisFinch - do you use this product? I wasn't sure if your post was pro or con?

@Chisos  At this point, it's neither.  I've only briefly scanned the ingredients.  I don't use the product.  I only posted the pic because I suspected someone would ask about ingredients at some point and they aren't posted on the QVC listing page.