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Re: Dimitri James Dream Makeover contest answers

[ Edited ]

@BlingQueen022 wrote:

You know I've seen rude posts from you in the past and there's nothing we can do about you unfortunately.  So I think the best thing to do is to just ignore you and what other people post.  That's what you should do here also about the skinn threads.  It's that simple.  It's a no brainer.  


@BlingQueen022 Thank you. You stated exactly what I was thinking - much more eloquently and far less rudely. 


"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new
And trust the magic of Beginnings..."
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Re: Dimitri James Dream Makeover contest answers

Just curious...wondering if QVC really appreciates these threads about other products and vendors from the other shopping channels being discussed and highlighted so often on THEIR forum they provide for THEIR consumers to use to discuss THEIR products, shows, etc.

I think it is extremely rude , ungrateful, and in poor taste myself.

However, I'm quite sure most of you don't agree since you do it rather than go to the appropriate websites.

Troll! Go away. We can discuss whatever we want.
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Re: Dimitri James Dream Makeover contest answers

[ Edited ]

@keithsmom65 wrote:





Just curious...wondering if QVC really appreciates these threads about other products and vendors from the other shopping channels being discussed and highlighted so often on THEIR forum they provide for THEIR consumers to use to discuss THEIR products, shows, etc.


I think it is extremely rude , ungrateful, and in poor taste myself.


However, I'm quite sure most of you don't agree since you do it rather than go to the appropriate websites.

Do you feel better, now that you've gotten that off your chest and shamed this group as if they/we are childen?  If you don't like it, move along,  People bring up the topics of weather, life questions, hosts, vitamins, host & vendor interactions, assorted "other" beauty brands and websites, etc. all the time.  Many topics don't even belong in the BB forum, but that doesn't stop anyone.  You're going to get worked up into a tizzy if you let something so inconsequential get you all bent out of shape.  Believe me, if QVC had a problem with a discussion topic, they know how to get rid of it.  If it's OK with them, you don't need to worry about it.

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Re: Dimitri James Dream Makeover contest answers

Well said, JLF!

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Re: Dimitri James Dream Makeover contest answers

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

@keithsmom65 wrote:





Just curious...wondering if QVC really appreciates these threads about other products and vendors from the other shopping channels being discussed and highlighted so often on THEIR forum they provide for THEIR consumers to use to discuss THEIR products, shows, etc.


I think it is extremely rude , ungrateful, and in poor taste myself.


However, I'm quite sure most of you don't agree since you do it rather than go to the appropriate websites.

Do you feel better, now that you've gotten that off your chest and shamed this group as if they we are childen?  If you don't like it, move along,  People bring up the topics of weather, life questions, hosts, vitamins, host & vendor interactions, assorted "other" beauty brands and websites, etc. all the time.  Many topics don't even belong in the BB forum, but that doesn't stop anyone.  You're going to get worked up into a tizzy if you let something so inconsequential get you all bent out of shape.  Believe me, if QVC had a problem with a discussion topic, they know how to get rid of it.  If it's OK with them, you don't need to worry about it.

JLF - You go girl!!!  *fist pump*

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Re: Dimitri James Dream Makeover contest answers

Was the next outfit revealed?

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Re: Dimitri James Dream Makeover contest answers


Contest is officially over!

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Re: Dimitri James Dream Makeover contest answers





Good luck, everyone!Smiley Happy

A Dimitri Dazzler. Need I say More?
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Re: Dimitri James Dream Makeover contest answers

@Gokat wrote:





Good luck, everyone!Smiley Happy

Waaah, I'm not going to be home to hear my name announced!  

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Posts: 24,315
Registered: ‎10-03-2011

Re: Dimitri James Dream Makeover contest answers

@greekbombshell wrote:

Was the next outfit revealed?

Yes, during the morning shows and the contest was immediately taken down when they were over.  I missed entering for #8.