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Registered: ‎08-11-2018

Did the host or vendor mention if you can only use blade once????

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Posts: 38,221
Registered: ‎05-22-2016

I have a pen-style precision trimmer that doesn't need replacement blades. Cost me about $15. 

Super Contributor
Posts: 274
Registered: ‎08-11-2018

@Sugipine wrote:

I have a pen-style precision trimmer that doesn't need replacement blades. Cost me about $15. 

I've tried those.  This looks like it works much better.  It got all 5-star reviews.

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Posts: 35,024
Registered: ‎05-17-2010

My little flip top shavers were just dollars for a pack of 5 from Amazon. When one starts to drag, I know it's time to take another one. I've used them for many years and never niked myself.