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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I've been using Beekman Bloom face cream and Dream serum for about ten days, love the way it plumps up my skin. But...tiny white bumps started to appear on my face Feels grainy. These are the only new products I've used on my face in months.I loved the idea of goat milk and botanicals. 

fairydogmother to Pixie, Cat Mom to Stanley Cup & Jazzy
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Registered: ‎05-17-2010

@smoochy   That's a shame when you love something new and have a reaction.


Obviously, IMO you need to discontinue it. The white bumps could be milia if the cream/serum is too rich and clogged pores.


Pat answer, but if this doesn't go away in a reasonable amount of time, a visit to your derm may be necessary.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,729
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@Shanus wrote:

@smoochy   That's a shame when you love something new and have a reaction.


Obviously, IMO you need to discontinue it. The white bumps could be milia if the cream/serum is too rich and clogged pores.


Pat answer, but if this doesn't go away in a reasonable amount of time, a visit to your derm may be necessary.

yeah I stopped using it two days ago, used Alpha 10% AHA lotion am and pm, and my face is much smoother already. Bumps are almost gone. 

fairydogmother to Pixie, Cat Mom to Stanley Cup & Jazzy