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I don't watch her much cause I really can't afford her products. But didn't she have an accent? I don't hear any tonight. Strange. Just wondering.
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It comes and goes because sometimes she forgets to be Irish.
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On 3/2/2015 birkin baby said: It comes and goes because sometimes she forgets to be Irish.

I thought it was Welsh? At least it was pointed out to me and corrected when I thought she was Irish also.

While we're on the subject of Dana, why would she go to all the trouble to dress up and leave her hair in a pony tail like that? It looks like she got out of the shower, put her hair up to do her makeup, and forgot to style her hair. It does not even look clean.

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I saw her for the first time tonight ... rather intense. She sells like her life depends on it!

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She does have beautiful skin....
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I liked her at first but, she has become so hyper and I find her annoying to the point that I can't watch her .... I do not use the products she sells so I kill two birds with one stone & change the channel
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She explained the accent thing several times saying she lived in different places while growing up and the accents from each became a part of her speech and don't always come out. Also she probably wears her hair in a pony tail so as not to take away from the products she is representing just as many cosmetic reps do.

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On 3/3/2015 Pook said:

She explained the accent thing several times saying she lived in different places while growing up and the accents from each became a part of her speech and don't always come out. Also she probably wears her hair in a pony tail so as not to take away from the products she is representing just as many cosmetic reps do.

Are we all so perfect. Dana is Irish. Also, my brogue sometimes is heard. Other times not. She is lovely. Just doing her job. Are we all so very perfect that we choose to insult others?

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I think being awake and on air off and on for 24 hours with the TSV was a bit much for Dana this time.

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Registered: ‎01-23-2015
I tried to post to this thread but screen froze...UGH!!! Take 2: if anyone remembers at the very beginning of the Perricone empire. He himself came on with Dana. He's to "big" for us now. When Dana started, this was her story~she was already a skin care addict as most of us are. She heard about Dr. P. and found a way to get an appt with him. He was super expensive for a visit back then. And, he sold his products in the office. Dana claims she begged to work for him, in any way and, she haunted thin till he finally took her in. I believe she said for no pay at first! So as he grew, he put her in charge of doing inventory, ordering and helping him with products. She says she didn't have a medical background. I'm an RN and actually worked for a fairly prominent but private dermatologist in Princeton NJ for close to 10 years. Prior I was a surgical and post surgery nurse and just got burnt out. I find it very hard to believe a doc of Perricones self proclaimed status would hire even someone to answer the phones without some medical experience. So now, Dana has this big title, is paid and LOVES the camera. Her accent perplexes me. It's not pure Irish. I am 1/2 English and 1/2 Italian. But growing up, until college would spend 4 months of every year in England. Wish I could have lived in my Moms little village and raised my family there! Such a peaceful and different way of life in the countryside. London is a city, so with that come the issues of a city. Anyway, people will say they have a slight accent. I say no I couldnt. But we never really hear our own voice as others do. My dear Mom had an accent and over the years it faded a bit. People would refer to her at the pharmacy she worked at as "that nice English lady"! I didn't really hear it but I was always with her. I think some people put on a British accent of some sort because they think it's prestigious. Silly fools. I have a cousin on my Dads side who married an English guy who she met at work in NYC. His family didn't live far from mine but, they were mountains apart as he was already wealthy. One of those families where the home had a name! My family were all working class; they were farmers, brick makers, coal delivery men. And my Grandad owned a pub for several years he bought with an inheritance he was lucky enough to receive. Our two families were worlds apart. Yet my Gran was one of the most graceful people I've ever known. My already self promoting and somewhat snobbish cousin has developed her own version of a British accent and uses all the UK English words rather than American! And she's teaching her 3 children the same. to Miss Dana, it just doesn't sound natural. It's not Irish, nor any of the UK countries. My gut feeling is that Dana has done the same. But whatever her cultural background is, Dana has tried to morph it into a unique version of a British accent.i guess it is serving her well!