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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Morning. Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit. Chilly this morning, supposed to get to the 61 or so. Not as warm as yesterday, but yesterday was soooo windy, then got really cloudy/dark and it must have rained a bit b/c when I came out from dinner, my windshield was wet. Could see the pollen, too! Hope all are getting better and will stay well!!


(Yes, I was Sleepy and Grumpy yesterday. DS & DH left yesterday, so had the bed to myself!)

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Registered: ‎01-09-2015

Re: Daily Chat, Wed., 4/1/15

Hello Bethee! Not much going on here. Cleaned and ran some errands. Now I'm fighting the urge to eat the chocolate bunnies I bought!

The weather was so warm today, that I didn't need a coat. Tomorrow is suppose to be 65!

Hi to everyone that stops in to post (and that's a big IF ANYONE stops in!)

Enjoy your night. {#emotions_dlg.wub}

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Posts: 328
Registered: ‎04-24-2010

Re: Daily Chat, Wed., 4/1/15

Hi Ladies. It it so pretty here today again. Yesterday was super windy. I was at DS school most of the day helping with class/ spring pictures today. I love picture days! DD will have wisdom teeth removed tomorrow. I just made several flavors of jello in preparation.
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Registered: ‎06-20-2011

Re: Daily Chat, Wed., 4/1/15

Good evening ladies. 83 today and sunny. Laundry day today then had to run up to Daytona to the big K since that's where I get my prescriptions. It's about an hour away with traffic but that's the closest one.

Bethee, glad you had a good nights sleep. Will you have the bed to yourself again tonight?

Karin, wishing your DD well. Hope she doesn't have to much pain after.

V, hope your GD is improving more each day.

Love, hope Oscars surgery goes well and that it will be the last for awhile.

Wrote a post last night but when I hit submit, cancel highlighted and poof it was gone. Hope it works tonight.

Bought a large crate for the kittens and mama yesterday, we leave it open when we are here but don't want her trying to hide them around the camper when we're not here to keep an eye on things. Also got a different harness for slinky cat since she got out of the first one I tried.

Time to go walk the cat. Have a good night everyone.


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Posts: 1,187
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Daily Chat, Wed., 4/1/15

Hi, ladies. Nice day here, too. Sapphire, hope the kitties are doing well. What a hand-full! Karin, when my DS had his wisdom teeth removed, he was soooo funny. He didn't talk much, but he kept "writing" in the palm of my hand. Made it a little difficult to drive home, but we managed. Hope your DD gets along well. Love, let us know about your DH. I can't imagine what all he's having done and you're all going through. Hope your house is getting fixed. Yes, I get the bed to myself again. Ahhhh.


Valued Contributor
Posts: 779
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Daily Chat, Wed., 4/1/15

Hi, ladies. Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit!

Karin, I remember when I got my wisdom teeth out. Such misery, oy! I hope things go better for your DD!

Sapphire, good luck with the kitties! Good idea about the crate. We've tried with all our kitties to do the leash thing, and they've let us know in no uncertain terms that they just DO NOT DO that!

Love, best wishes for Oscar. I hope all goes well. How goes the house repairs? I hope things are getting done efficiently and well. Eat the bunnies - they'll make more!{#emotions_dlg.devil2}

Bethee, glad you got some sleep and will again. Boys went to PA? I missed what you said. Safe travels?

Prayers for V's GD.

Hugs, ladies.