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Morning, grumble grumble. Gonna need some patience & grace today--been awake since 3:30am (and was up @ 1:30am). Going to be hot and nasty humid today and tomorrow. So thankful for our a/c! Off to the eye doc today. Hope we can get a good scan to see what's going on in both eyes. Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes.

Thinking of all our BEauties. Please keep checking in.


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Re: Daily Chat, Tues., 7/22/14

Good Morning! Fingers and toes still crossed for wonderful news for Bethee today! Sorry you aren't getting enough sleep. I'm the same way, always have been, but it sure stinks. It's already humid and getting hot. I hope that everyone has a wonderful day! Prayers.
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Registered: ‎06-20-2011

Re: Daily Chat, Tues., 7/22/14

Good evening ladies. Hot today but not as humid. They're predicting rain tomorrow. We'll see.

Bethee, hope the eye appointment went well and you got some good news. Maybe you even got to take a nap.

Hi Karin and anyone else who stops in. Hope everyone is well. Have a good evening all.


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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Daily Chat, Tues., 7/22/14

Hi, ladies. Bethee, were you thinking of me really hard at 3 am? I woke up for no reason. Must have been sympathy insomnia for you. {#emotions_dlg.laugh} And Karin, too, of course.

I hope the eye scan went well and showed good stuff.

Hi, Sapphire, hi Karin. Hot here, today, not so humid.

Still ongoing crud from younger brother. Poor poor pitiful him! Ugh.

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Re: Daily Chat, Tues., 7/22/14

Bethee, I have issues with my eyes, too. My file at eye docs is three inches thick. They never get to the bottom of it, although once in a while it gets better and stays better for a while.

My daughter has an auto immune disease that has as one of its side effects serious eye problems. So far, so good. We always have to keep a close eye on it.

Good luck!

PS---I am always up at 3 AM...raging insomnia!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Daily Chat, Tues., 7/22/14

Hi, Kate. Welcome. Sorry you have insomnia and the eye troubles, too. And for DD. How old is she? How long have you 'suffered'? I have pan-uveitis (and some other Dx they put on there) for nearing 20 months now. Had tons of tests, all negative so don't know what/why, just that it's not lymphoma which is good. Many times I get down about it, but I am so much more fortunate than some, so I'm thankful.