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Well, up and getting ready to go to eye doc. I see surgeon eye doc today for, probably, last follow up. Sad, no activity here.

I hope all are doing well, karin & inlaws, hellokitty, Cat, Love who I don't we've heard from for a good while, V. Too many to mention, like Junkie, lauramac, etc., etc. If I didn't mention individuals, I'm sorry, don't mean to leave you off. Just thinking of friends. My dear from from HS friend's bday was yesterday and she and another friend are to get together next week. It's spring break for HS DS, and I think he and DH are going somewhere. Not sure I'll go b/c of work, but I might be able to work out something. Oh, well.


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Re: Daily Chat, Thurs., 3/26/15

Good morning! It's going to be 60 and rain today. That's a good thing, so we can get rid of all the snow!

Never a dull moment around here. {#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}Oscar had surgery and is doing well. DS fractured his ankle while playing basketball. My aunt had surgery too. We have excessive damage to our house from all the snow & ice. I've got great insurance, but it's still going to be stressful to get it all fixed. I also destroyed two tires from the pot holes. Fixed that, and now my brake light is on! {#emotions_dlg.crying}

Today I'll be cleaning, laundry, errands and paying bills! {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

Bethee, that's wonderful...your last doctor appt.!

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Posts: 903
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Daily Chat, Thurs., 3/26/15

Hello everyone. Love, I am glad that your insurance will take care of your house. Stress is not fun!

It is raining today and I am a Special Olympics track coach. I am hoping it quits or that the others decide to practice inside.

Bethee, if you want to go with DS & DH I hope you get to work something out.

Well, got to run. Hello to all who may enter after me!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Daily Chat, Thurs., 3/26/15

Hi, Love, so glad to see you checking in, and so glad that you're house is going to get fixed. I know how stressful it can be to have major work done! Just make sure you get a good, reputable contractor, and take pictures of the process! Ouch, poor DS! Glad Oscar is doing well, and best wishes for your aunt.

Hellokitty, I hope your kids were able to run out of the rain. It poured while I was on my way to meet with a client, but the sun is out now. I think it's almost 70. And still, I heard that we may get wet snow over the weekend. Oy!

Bethee, I hope all went well with the eye doctor. Is it a last follow up because there's nothing else that they can do, or because things are resolving?

I agree, it's sad that so many of our BEauties have dropped off or only pop in once in awhile. We miss you, BEauties!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Daily Chat, Thurs., 3/26/15

Love, hey. Good to see you. Sorry about DS. Hopefully Oscar will get straightened out. It rained some this a.m. over the mountain, looks like rain now, 76 out there. Supposedly some wet snow tomorrow a.m. and high only 50. Crazy. Hellokitty, good luck today! Not my last doc appt with him; he said 3 months. Sees some inflammation toward the front of my eyes but scan looks mostly stable, a little thickening back at the retina on right eye. Keep on the drops and see what other doc says Apr 7. Thanks for the well wishes.

Just got back from picking up the truck. DS complained about front tire making noise. They rotated tires and put the 'offending' tire in the back, but it still makes noise. So, DS is acting all huffy (substitute another word there!) and I'm so sick of his mouth and ungrateful attitude. Grrrr.

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Posts: 801
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Daily Chat, Thurs., 3/26/15

Just stopping by to say hey to all of you......we've been very busy.....we now have FIL signed up for Hospice as soon as he finishes PT....he will come home w/feeding tube in and in diapers.....he refused to work w/speech therapist and therapist for potty training.... We almost have house ready....still a work in progress...... My DD, GD and myself made it back from Charleston at MUSC...we have a long way to go but hopefully GD will walk again soon......PT here in Camden has to be "Intensive" or Dr in Charleston will admit her down there where she will get the PT dr wants... So please.....if your child or GC gets strep throat w/sinus infection and you see the child not responding to antibiotics go to another GD had two viruses along w/strep etc.... The Dr told us that GD was treated for strep/sinus when antibiotics didn't cure her they played it off as if DD was being overactive...NOW my GD is in a wheelchair due to Dr. Neglecting the situation....... So I've been busy... Bethee hope your eyes are doing better.. Love hope your stress level is better than mine Hey to all.. Prayers for those in need and their families
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Posts: 328
Registered: ‎04-24-2010

Re: Daily Chat, Thurs., 3/26/15

Good Afternoon BEauties! Sprinkles this am but sunshine now!

V- many prayers for you and your family. I am so sorry for all that you are going through. I hope that GD recovers quickly.

Bethee- just think, if DH and DS go away for a few days you get the bed all to yourself!

Love-glad that surgery went well. I hope that he doesn't need anymore surgeries and has improved health. Hope DS isn't in too much pain.

Hellokitty- i would love to help with Special Olympics. I hope that the weather improved. It did here!

Cat-you're warmer than us today! No more snow for you this year!

DD is having wisdom teeth out this Thursday. Please pray that she does well and I don't lose my mind! Have a wonderful evening! Prayers.