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Morning. I think it's free Slurpees @ 7-11 today. I don't think I'll get there. DH and oldest DS going to PA. DS needs to see BIL about eye exam and new contacts (and glasses, prob) but won't get to see him till Sun. They are always on the go with their 4 girls in sports. Other BIL will be at the home place cutting pine trees, I think, so DH will prob help him on Sat.

The air bubble is slowly moving down and I can see a bit. Still using the dilating drop in that eye along w/antibiotic drop and steroid drop. I told youngest DS he'd have to take care of his mother this weekend. He has to help the fire dept w/clean up at the lawn party grounds for the Steam & Gas meet lawn party. I told him he couldn't work all day and be down there all night. He'll feel like he has to. It'll be a long week and he'll be exhausted.

Sis and her family landed in Hawaii. Got the text about 7:20 EST. I think they are 6 hours behind. She said she was wiped. It was only about 2:45 that she wrote back and I asked if she was ready for bed. It was still early over there, though!

Have a good weekend. Prayers.

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Posts: 422
Registered: ‎06-20-2011

Re: Daily Chat, Fri. 7/11/14

Good morning ladies. Another nice sunny day with no rain.

Bethee, glad the bubble is starting to move and you can see a little better. Hope DS takes good care of you this weekend. At least with DH and older DS away you should be able to rest.

V, hope the new treatments help your breathing. Do they know what caused your copd?

Have a great day everyone.


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Posts: 801
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Daily Chat, Fri. 7/11/14

Hey to all

Bethee I can hardly keep up with you and everyone going to to help out.....I'm glad to hear your eye is a little bit better.....

sapphire.....hope all is well with you.....I've been bummed about having to start all the treatments back....I started coughing on July 4th when everyone came in to see me....I did stand on the porch and seen a few fireworks.....but mostly I watched the Macy Fireworks on copd was partly caused to my smoking (but I was never a heavy smoker) and some of my jobs I had in my early days...and then there is the asthma on top of it doesn't take much to get my airway/lungs out of whack per my Dr my airway/lungs are tight so we don't end up in hosp or worse.....Dr has put me back on all of my treatments....I also have my oxygen now too....I'm just a mess.....I wont be going out now for sure....I have to wear those compression knee hi's......due to circulation and my heart......

Basically, I'm a walking Dr goes through everything on computer and she tells me you have so many health duh!!!

Anyway, hope all of you have a great weekend.....

Prayers for Bethee and a quick recovery.....

Prayers to those in need and their families.....

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Posts: 779
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Daily Chat, Fri. 7/11/14

Bethee,I'm glad things seem to be getting better. Echoing the prayers that you have a quick and complete recovery.

V, you may be a mess, but we love you!

Sapphire, it was a gorgeous day here, too.

Tomorrow is my Aunt's (mom's younger sister) birthday party, she's 80. We're going to Jersey to my cousin's house for the party.

Prayers all around!

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Posts: 1,187
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Daily Chat, Fri. 7/11/14

Safe travels, Cat! Enjoy. Happy bday to your aunt. I agree, we love ya, V! Those compression hose are a pain, but if you need 'em, ya need 'em! Take care of you. I think my left eye still has a way to go, but hoping for the best as the air bubble re-absorbs and fluid fills in. Keeping y'all in my prayers!

(Has that Love ever checked in? Gonna have to go track her down somewhere!)