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Re: Customer Choice Beauty Awards

It's too much laughing & noisy chatter so just watch the winners list. No biggie or surprises. JT is so annoying I don't know how anyone can watch her. No one cares about what she does or her daughters. Geez!!


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Re: Customer Choice Beauty Awards

I think this show is just silly. I remember when they first started presenting the beauty awards they even opened the envelopes trying to build up the suspense. Of course, the winner was in the wings waiting to come out acting so surprised. I don't watch it because I just find it very predictable and embarrassing. I tuned out after I saw Jane and Courtney. They both looked pretty...didn't really care for how Jane had her hair styled, though.

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Re: Customer Choice Beauty Awards

@manny2 wrote:

@monicakm wrote:
I don't watch the shows but over the years what I have noticed on this forum is how much complaining there is here about the hosts for various reasons. Why would anyone watch any show if they are so unhappy with it?

It seems many want to watch the show but can’t because of the host. @monicakm 


As for why watch it’s the same reason you responded to the post.  It’s human nature. Like an accident you want to look away, but you can’t.


The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality ~  Dante Alighieri
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Re: Customer Choice Beauty Awards

@monicakm wrote:
I don't watch the shows but over the years what I have noticed on this forum is how much complaining there is here about the hosts for various reasons. Why would anyone watch any show if they are so unhappy with it?

This is a PATTERN for some. A sick twisted form of entertainment. That's what they primarily post/discuss. PATHETIC 

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality ~  Dante Alighieri
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Re: Customer Choice Beauty Awards

I think the "Awards" show has run its course.  It was very pathetic to see JT in her flowing gown totally out of control, at one point returning to the set as CK was "Presenting" to say a few words to the "Winner"; very childlike.  CK looked like a Barbie Doll, a very sad sight..  Both of the hosts were so over-the-top; some of the winners actually looked uncomfortable, i.e., the MAC representative.  I only watched 30 minutes and had to change the channel.   

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Re: Customer Choice Beauty Awards

I stopped watching years ago and never voted. I don't think it's factual and the numbers of votes in the each category are never posted.  Who really knows which products are preferred and had more votes to win or those products just shown for more sales. 


Conveniently Mally won and her set was suspiciously the TSV that day...she was there, dressed to the nines and gushing as were the other recipients of the statue.

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Re: Customer Choice Beauty Awards

@Tee555Bird wrote:
I wish JT would stop trying to act so exuberant all the time. Everything she sells relates to her and her family. I used to like JT a lot but lately she is so repetitive and last night jumping up and down like Mally was too much!! Please for her sake encourage her to calm down and have a little dignity like Mary Beth Roe. This is positively for JT’s own good.

@Tee555Bird I agree totally.  "My daughter this, my daughter that."  "This is the only thing I wear."  It's all very embarrassing because we catch them all in their silly little sales pitch lies.  I sat down to watch right as the show was starting so I wanted to see the categories.  Then, in no time at all, it was obvious who all the winners were going to be.  Yawn.  Same old all the time.  The acting as if they don't know who the winners will be, the opening of the envelopes, the winners are standing right there, hello!!  ;-)  Ya just have to laugh!!

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Re: Customer Choice Beauty Awards

[ Edited ]

@wagirl    I also tried to watch some of it.   But JT was really getting on my nerves.   However, when Mally came on I just couldn't watch the two of them screaming, jumping up & down, and carrying on.    I had to turn it off at that point.  I could not put up with their silliness.  

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Re: Customer Choice Beauty Awards

I thought JT looked appropriate and C over the top which I think she tried to achieve.  Yes, too silly.  Got nothing from show.

Posts: 70
Registered: ‎10-08-2010

Re: Customer Choice Beauty Awards

Does anyone know why the hosts, that are holding the products, move it up and down with every syllable they are saying?