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Re: Conture hair remover tool. A664177

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Conture hair remover tool. A664177

[ Edited ]

Those kinds of hair removal devices are sold all over the place and for less money, too. They're all pretty much the same thing. You'll need to replace the head after a while b/c they do get dull.


I bought a rechargeable one from Amazon and it comes with a brow/nose trimmer...$20.

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Re: Conture hair remover tool. A664177

I have a Finishing Touch.  It does OK until the razor head gets clogged with skin oils.  I've taken apart the little shaver head, washed it with Dawn and put it back together again but the razor edge does get dull after a while.  So, you need to buy replacement heads.  It's a nuisance.

I much prefer something like a Harry's razor with a creamy facial cleanser.  I do my lower face to remove all the peach fuzz and pesky hairs on chin and upper lip.  Faster, closer shave and more cost effective than an electric shaver.  I  can't believe that people still believe the old wives tale about the hair growing back thicker when shaving.  Use logic, people, of course it doesn't!

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Re: Conture hair remover tool. A664177

Only electrolysis permanently removes hair. This is just a "shaver."

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Re: Conture hair remover tool. A664177


Agree with @River Song the idea that hair grows thicker after shaving is an "old wives" tale.  Hair appears thicker if one shaves because the hair is cut in the middle, while waxing or tweezers removes it at the root.


I have difficulty waxing properly, so I use tweezer on my facial hair (a regular one and a springy one, like image at the bottom of my post), but if I am in a hurry and I haven't been plucking regularly, I just shave.  Waxing or tweezer is better than shaving because all the hair doesn't grow out at the same time, so hair growth is more subtle in appearance.  If you are squeamish about shaving, a dermaplaning tool (image immediately below) is a weaker blade designed for the face, I have used it at times.  There are several types, they are disposable or have replaceable blades.

Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 8.34.16 PM.png


springy tweezer

Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 8.38.01 PM.png

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Registered: ‎05-22-2016

Re: Conture hair remover tool. A664177


I like using those dermaplaning tools...Tinkle brand.Woman Happy

About once a month I'll pull one out and get rid of the peach fuzz and flakes. Skin feels like a baby's bottom. Woman Happy