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Re: ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February

[ Edited ]

@rnmom wrote:

@just bee Holy cow, that list of ingredients is crazy! I know it's been a really long time  since I've actually read an ingredient label, but that looks terrible! No wonder we feel terrible when we're putting all of those chemicals into our bodies! 


I really need to start reading ingredient labels again. I had opened a can of peas the other day and looked at the can. It should have said peas, water. But it also said sugar. Seriously? Why did they need to add sugar to a can of peas? I had no idea. I will never be a person who just eats "clean" food, but any real food that I can eat and any preservatives that I can avoid can only be a step in the right direction.


Yesterday afternoon and evening my family and I went to a hockey game. First one we've been to. We were gone about 8 hours Hubby and I didn't want concession stand food so we waited and stopped and got hot and ready pizza on the way home. It smelled SO good in the car on the way home I could hardly stand it. 


It was late, I was tired and  hungry and I just wanted to dive into that pizza. I remembered what we have been talking about, how tastes change, how something that used to taste so delicious tastes too sweet, too salty, waxy, etc. when you haven't had it for a while. I was actually hoping to be disappointed when I bit into that pizza. 


Nope, it was delicious. Hot, ooey gooey cheese, pepperoni, just like it smelled. Just delicious. I knew I was going right to bed so I limited myself to just one slice, but I could have easily eaten 3 more. I guess my tastes haven't changed yet. Bummer.



Pizza's a hard one.  But for years I didn't care because I maintained it was the perfect food.  After all, pizza has all the major food groups: Grains, proteins, dairy, vegetables and fruits (tomato).


Any leftovers?  Cold pizza for breakfast is the best!


I've cut back and have been limiting myself to that frozen stuff (the ingredient list isn't quite as bad as the "other" brand) with a large salad.  I've adjusted.  Same way that I adjusted to organic peanut butter.  Just roasted peanuts and less than 1% salt.  I never thought I would have given up Skippy, but I had to.  It was starting to taste like Jif with all the added sugar.


All because I started paying more attention to the labels.  When you start counting up how much sugar you're actually consuming, it's shocking.


BH and I watched a couple episodes of Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives yesterday and couldn't believe how much sugar went into everything on the menus.  Gak!


I don't worry about the sodium as much.  Frozen pizza has plenty, but I don't have it that often.  When BH cooks he uses very little salt.  He just made a batch of carne adovada.  A local New Mexican place makes a good one but I can taste the difference.  Theirs is just so salty. Woman Tongue


Personally, I'm happy you had a delicious pizza.  I never want great pizza to go away.  My mother lived on it when she was pregnant with me.  It's in my DNA.  One of the great contributions -- thank you, Italy!

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February

@rnmom wrote:

@just bee -We do have a really good group. How fun would it be if we could all meet up somewhere!



Maybe it's because we all like dogs. Woman LOL

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February

@rnmom wrote:

@just bee -I used to love those crunchy Italian cookies, Biscotti! I used to date a guy whose mom bought them all the time.. I haven't had one in years!



Costco sells them in tubs.  I had to stop buying them! 

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February

@rnmom wrote:

@just bee -Isn't that amazing about your friend with MS? I've seen several stories where people have had cancer, or some other incurable disease, and they are able to reverse it or eliiminate it just by eating the right food and eliminating eating junk and processed food. I definitely think there is something to be said for "food is medicine". It's just putting it into practice that is so difficult. 



I always look at what people are putting in their shopping carts and loading into their SUVs.  Today is Super Bowl Sunday.  Just picture what people are consuming today.


It's pushed on us.  It's marketed to us and placed in stores where we can't avoid seeing it.  Whole aisles devoted to sweet, salty, crunchy things.  Whole aisles of sweet, bubbly drinks.  Every endcap in every store loaded with bright packages of stuff not found in nature.


And I bet the commercials during the game will push more of it.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February

@just bee wrote:

@rnmom wrote:

@just bee Holy cow, that list of ingredients is crazy! I know it's been a really long time  since I've actually read an ingredient label, but that looks terrible! No wonder we feel terrible when we're putting all of those chemicals into our bodies! 


I really need to start reading ingredient labels again. I had opened a can of peas the other day and looked at the can. It should have said peas, water. But it also said sugar. Seriously? Why did they need to add sugar to a can of peas? I had no idea. I will never be a person who just eats "clean" food, but any real food that I can eat and any preservatives that I can avoid can only be a step in the right direction.


Yesterday afternoon and evening my family and I went to a hockey game. First one we've been to. We were gone about 8 hours Hubby and I didn't want concession stand food so we waited and stopped and got hot and ready pizza on the way home. It smelled SO good in the car on the way home I could hardly stand it. 


It was late, I was tired and  hungry and I just wanted to dive into that pizza. I remembered what we have been talking about, how tastes change, how something that used to taste so delicious tastes too sweet, too salty, waxy, etc. when you haven't had it for a while. I was actually hoping to be disappointed when I bit into that pizza. 


Nope, it was delicious. Hot, ooey gooey cheese, pepperoni, just like it smelled. Just delicious. I knew I was going right to bed so I limited myself to just one slice, but I could have easily eaten 3 more. I guess my tastes haven't changed yet. Bummer.



Pizza's a hard one.  But for years I didn't care because I maintained it was the perfect food.  After all, pizza has all the major food groups: Grains, proteins, dairy, vegetables and fruits (tomato).


Any leftovers?  Cold pizza for breakfast is the best!


I've cut back and have been limiting myself to that frozen stuff (the ingredient list isn't quite as bad as the "other" brand) with a large salad.  I've adjusted.  Same way that I adjusted to organic peanut butter.  Just roasted peanuts and less than 1% salt.  I never thought I would have given up Skippy, but I had to.  It was starting to taste like Jif with all the added sugar.


All because I started paying more attention to the labels.  When you start counting up how much sugar you're actually consuming, it's shocking.


BH and I watched a couple episodes of Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives yesterday and couldn't believe how much sugar went into everything on the menus.  Gak!


I don't worry about the sodium as much.  Frozen pizza has plenty, but I don't have it that often.  When BH cooks he uses very little salt.  He just made a batch of carne adovada.  A local New Mexican place makes a good one but I can taste the difference.  Theirs is just so salty. Woman Tongue


Personally, I'm happy you had a delicious pizza.  I never want great pizza to go away.  My mother lived on it when she was pregnant with me.  It's in my DNA.  One of the great contributions -- thank you, Italy!



Don't feel bad about enjoying the pizza.  I think @just bee may be right that it's the perfect food, or at least darn close.


Years ago, I'm talking like over 25, I was pretty sick with some weird stuff going on that doctor after doctor couldn't diagnose.  They concluded because they couldn't see anything or find anything on their tests, it was all in my head.  But I knew it was physical and I was miserable and had to do something, so I researched on my own.  Between one (weird) doctor's allergy testing and my own trial and error, I ended up on an extremely limited diet of meat/fresh fish and low carb veggies.  A tiny bit of beans or potatoes on occasion, but otherwise nothing else and all from scratch--no boxes, bags or even frozen.  It took a couple of years eating like that but I did start to feel better.


Anyway, my point of all of that is to say that one day after I had been feeling fine for quite some time, OG decided he wanted a pizza (we rarely had it at that time because of my diet and his diabetes).  We got one and I gingerly tasted a piece.  OMG!  It tasted like absolute heaven! 😇  It was all I could do to keep from eating that whole pizza myself at one sitting. 😄


Some things taste 'off' after you haven't had them for a while.  Others, like pizza, are meant to be enjoyed--just in moderation, not as a staple. 

Oh, by the way, congratulations on the weight loss!  Seven pounds is indeed a huge accomplishment and you definitely will feel it.  And congratulations on only eating one piece of that glorious pizza.  That's the key to keeping off those seven pounds and getting more off too.  😉👍

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Re: ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February

@rnmom wrote:

@just bee -We do have a really good group. How fun would it be if we could all meet up somewhere!

I'd settle for just being able to exchange email addresses. 😕

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Re: ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February

@geezerette wrote:

@rnmom wrote:

@just bee -We do have a really good group. How fun would it be if we could all meet up somewhere!

I'd settle for just being able to exchange email addresses. 😕



The past few weeks have been challenging.  Technical difficulties and frustration.  I started thinking: What would happen if we tried to log in here one day and it was all gone?  Or if one of us was banned?


How would we ever communicate again?


I was going to post something about breaking up is not that hard to do.  I just polished off my last bottle of Paula's Choice cleanser.  I have no philosophy, no pure grace in the house.  I'm using all different toiletries except for Lumene and some miscellaneous cosmetics.


It wasn't that hard to say goodbye, after all.


But what if we lost contact and couldn't even say goodbye?  What if one day it all went poof?


That would be hard.  We should start thinking about a way to keep this going.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Posts: 22,933
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February

[ Edited ]

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

@rnmom wrote:

@just bee -We do have a really good group. How fun would it be if we could all meet up somewhere!

I'd settle for just being able to exchange email addresses. 😕



The past few weeks have been challenging.  Technical difficulties and frustration.  I started thinking: What would happen if we tried to log in here one day and it was all gone?  Or if one of us was banned?


How would we ever communicate again?


I was going to post something about breaking up is not that hard to do.  I just polished off my last bottle of Paula's Choice cleanser.  I have no philosophy, no pure grace in the house.  I'm using all different toiletries except for Lumene and some miscellaneous cosmetics.


It wasn't that hard to say goodbye, after all.


But what if we lost contact and couldn't even say goodbye?  What if one day it all went poof?


That would be hard.  We should start thinking about a way to keep this going.

@just bee 


That's exactly what was running through my head every time I tried to post or even just get into the forums last week.  I've really come to rely on this place, and you wonderful ladies.❤️  

Years ago we were allowed to post our email addresses and there was a personal message feature, so some of the posters did make and keep contact with each other outside of this place.  But now, that's pretty much impossible.  I was always leery to post my email address on a public forum anyway.  I'm not tech or social media savvy enough to even have any ideas.  


Even with the technical difficulties that seem to run rampart so often, it's still something I enjoy and spend a lot of time on.  But with the way things are going in retail and QVC in particular, I wouldn't be surprised if one day this place was gone.  I would be very sad if that happened. 😢

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Re: ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February



I had a blog that I suspended and now it's been hacked.  I'm hesitant to start another so maybe e-mail could work.  BH worked in IT before he started hating the whole social media thing.  He will advise. Woman Wink

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Posts: 22,933
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February

@just bee wrote:



I had a blog that I suspended and now it's been hacked.  I'm hesitant to start another so maybe e-mail could work.  BH worked in IT before he started hating the whole social media thing.  He will advise. Woman Wink

@just bee 


I've begun to hate the word "hacked" in the last few years.  Is nothing safe and private anymore?  No, wait, you don't have to answer that.  I already know.  What gets me is that even if I don't have any internet "presence" or own a cell phone or credit card, if I do any type of business with any company or medical person, my personal information can still be stolen.  Ticks me off no end.  

Last week was a particularly disappointing time for me in several ways.  And when I get down, everything just floods in and I feel like I'm an alien.  Nobody thinks like I do.  At least, nobody under 80 years old does.  

Makes me wonder why I bother to struggle to eat right.  ☹️

And on that cheery note...😆