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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

Aaargh.  I've got to go get ready for my tax appointment.


Don't be surprised if I come home and post April's thread early -- just to get over with this March.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

@just beewrote:


@just bee


I just had a minor astigmatism change.  I’m leery of any prescription changes.  They usually don’t go well.  But we’ll see.


It’s a big bench and I’m pretty thin right now.  There’s plenty of room...



I'll bring snacks.  Any requests?

I’m on a carb kick right now.  Kroger’s organic wavy potato chips and mini croissants with raspberry jam.

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

@just beewrote:

Aaargh.  I've got to go get ready for my tax appointment.


Don't be surprised if I come home and post April's thread early -- just to get over with this March.



There’s your April Fool’s joke right there.

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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

@geezerette I am just catching up on reading posts from the past two weeks and want to tell you how very sorry I am for your loss ❤️ .  These words seem incredibly insufficient for what you are going through. Hold on to that puppy from hell that came into your life for a reason.  

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."--Eleanor Roosevelt
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March



Thank you for your kind thoughts.  All of you have been so incredibly kind, thoughtful and tolerant of my ramblings.  It really does help to “talk” about things in here and to vent all my feelings.  But I don’t want to wear out my welcome.


And that “puppy” doesn’t stray far from my side now.  She’s become my protector, confidant and big, black shoulder to cry on.  Overnight.  Quite amazing, really.  


The cat, on the other hand, really couldn’t care less.😄

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Registered: ‎12-08-2013

Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March




Thank you for your kind thoughts.  All of you have been so incredibly kind, thoughtful and tolerant of my ramblings.  It really does help to “talk” about things in here and to vent all my feelings.  But I don’t want to wear out my welcome.


And that “puppy” doesn’t stray far from my side now.  She’s become my protector, confidant and big, black shoulder to cry on.  Overnight.  Quite amazing, really.  


The cat, on the other hand, really couldn’t care less.😄

I just finished reading all the March thread posts @geezerette. Glad to see you are posting. I don't post too often but do keep up on reading this thread so I "know" you better than you know me 😊.  You are intelligent, witty and very likable. I am confident that our fellow Compacters want to know how you are truly doing and are happy to lend an ear. It sure sounds like your puppy turned out to be a huge blessing. 👍

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."--Eleanor Roosevelt
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Posts: 21,185
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March





Thank you for your kind thoughts.  All of you have been so incredibly kind, thoughtful and tolerant of my ramblings.  It really does help to “talk” about things in here and to vent all my feelings.  But I don’t want to wear out my welcome.


And that “puppy” doesn’t stray far from my side now.  She’s become my protector, confidant and big, black shoulder to cry on.  Overnight.  Quite amazing, really.  


The cat, on the other hand, really couldn’t care less.😄

I just finished reading all the March thread posts @geezerette. Glad to see you are posting. I don't post too often but do keep up on reading this thread so I "know" you better than you know me 😊.  You are intelligent, witty and very likable. I am confident that our fellow Compacters want to know how you are truly doing and are happy to lend an ear. It sure sounds like your puppy turned out to be a huge blessing. 👍

@BExplorer You’d better stop that kind of talk before it goes to my head!🤩😄

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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

@just bee, Hmm...I'd give away everything that couldn't easily be shipped to my new apartment in Paris.

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Registered: ‎08-16-2016

Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

Ah, youve reached the "why am I still here, but I'm not sure but maybe I just might start to be interested in living again" place. Good for you! I predict you will find out new things about yourself a lot, and change your mind about things a lot. And yes, all that adjusting sure can be exhausing. Give yourself double pats on the back, take two deep breaths, and lie down and rest!


I really hear you about being an introvert, too. Every time I spend a day with people all day, I have to be alone for two days. I've been living alone for years, and I can report that it's just a skill you can learn.


Thank you so much for continuing to share with all of us. It means a lot.

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Posts: 21,185
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March


Ah, youve reached the "why am I still here, but I'm not sure but maybe I just might start to be interested in living again" place. Good for you! I predict you will find out new things about yourself a lot, and change your mind about things a lot. And yes, all that adjusting sure can be exhausing. Give yourself double pats on the back, take two deep breaths, and lie down and rest!


I really hear you about being an introvert, too. Every time I spend a day with people all day, I have to be alone for two days. I've been living alone for years, and I can report that it's just a skill you can learn.


Thank you so much for continuing to share with all of us. It means a lot.



Apparently I have, or at least I’m close.  Much to my surprise.  I had discovered this myself just the other night.  Bargaining with God again.  “Just keep me alive and functioning until I get this done, and that, and this other thing...”  And then it dawned on me:  Huh. Maybe I don’t really want to die after all.  And then, of course, I immediately felt guilty because maybe I actually did still want to live, and I shouldn’t because the most important person in my life was gone.  And then, “Dummy.  He always told you to keep going if something happened to him.  To go and do everything that you wanted for a change instead of catering to him.”  So many conversations in my mind now.


Yes, dealing with all these people!  I like it because it takes my mind off myself, but at the same time I have to be somebody other than me.  I have to put on my game face, which is tiring.  That’s probably the thing I miss the most—having that one person that I can be whatever I am, say whatever pops into my head, do whatever I want.  I never liked or felt comfortable with people.  (I always joke that my mother never could punish me by sending me to my room because I loved staying in there.)  Now I have to deal with all of them, and by myself.


Everyone is so nice, too.  They shouldn’t be nice to me.  It was him they liked and will miss, not me.  I’m still living off of him.  All the people that loved him are now transferring their love and loyalty to me, and I don’t deserve it.  I’m not funny like him.  I’m not smart like him.  I can’t solve their problems like he could.  I can’t think of cute gifts for them like he did.  I can’t be at ease with them like him.  I can’t be him!  I know, they don’t expect me to be like him, but I do.  I figure it’s now my job to be that larger-than-life presence in everyone’s life.  That’s not me.  But I think it should be.


I guess I have a lot of revelations coming to me over time.  Maybe that is my journey now.  The OG had already discovered so much of the spiritual, ethereal essence of life and I have so much to learn.  Maybe that’s why he was taken to the next life—he was ready.  Maybe it’s now my purpose to get ready myself.

