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Re: ComPact 2018 – Maintainable May



Well, now I feel like a complete slug. Woman LOL

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Maintainable May

Tablecloths.  How in the world did I accumulate so many tablecloths.  More than I'll ever use in two lifetimes.  Some, I swear, my mother gave me when I moved out of the house 40 years ago.


We used to entertain a group of friends occasionally, varied from 6 people to 12.  Anyway, now that we're old, some have moved away to retire, some don't want to drive at night, others we've lost touch with.


I've been washing/sorting tablecloths for the past couple of weeks and half of them are going to Goodwill.  Some I threw out.  Still have too many tablecloths!  Geesh. 


We have a dining room table with two leaves, so need tablecloths to fit the three different sizes.  Or so I tell myself.  We haven't entertained a group of people in at least five years.  Do I really need tablecloths of one color in three different sizes?!   I've narrowed it down to two solid color tablecloths and one print tablecloth, but each in three different sizes.  Plus, napkins, plus placemats.  Oh, and a festive red tablecloth for Christmas, in three sizes, with napkins.  That's a lot of fabric to store in a linen closet.  Do I really need all these tablecloths?!


I also have a double damask linen tablecloth and 12 napkins from Ireland.  The 'made in Ireland' paper labels are still glued to the tablecloth and napkins.  I think my aunt purchased these in a US commissary when she worked overseas in US embassies 50 years ago.  How do I remove 50 year old glue from the fabric without ruining it?  Oy.  I'll have to research this and get back to it later.  And so it goes....    

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Re: ComPact 2018 – Maintainable May

@River Song


That's one reason we accumulated so much: When we moved out here we entertained.  Dishes, glassware, serving bowls, multiple sets of flatware, tablecloths, napkins, napkin holders, barware...


Then the movies, music, board games...


I can't remember the last time we had anyone over.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Maintainable May

[ Edited ]

@just bee,


I haven't even tackled the china yet.  I have three sets of china.  Who needs three sets?  But it's so darn pretty, hard to give it away.  I know I have a least a couple of sets of silver flatware squirreled away plus a lot of silverplate trays, candy dishes, bowls.  It's overwhelming.


We have glassware inherited from parents and relatives that we've never used.  Who uses cordial glasses anymore?  Nobody I know.  I finally talked DH into getting rid of the cordial glasses that his family used during the holidays for creme de menthe when he was a kid.  Nobody drinks that stuff anymore unless it's in a mixed drink like a grasshopper (remember those?).  I don't think anyone even knows what a grasshopper is anymore.


My DH's illness has really made me aware that we have way too much stuff that nobody else wants either.  Why am I storing tax returns from 15 years ago that are taking up valuable storage real estate in a closet.  I need to buy a heavy duty paper shredder and get busy.



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Re: ComPact 2018 – Maintainable May

[ Edited ]

@River Song


Oh, I know grasshoppers!  I was thinking about my pony glasses the other day and wondered if I should buy a bottle of limoncello.


You're not the only one sitting on old tax papers.  I have canceled checks from the '70s.  No, seriously.


I was shredding last summer and realize that it's almost summer again.  I guess I better get back to it!


I may need a few grasshoppers or limoncello to make the process more palatable...

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~