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Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

@Drythe wrote:



I don't believe I posted with you, unless you have multiple nicks.

Nope, just wondering why you think other posters are mean for having an opinion.Woman Happy

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Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

Maybe @Drythe is having an opinion about the other poster's opinion? You seem to have an opinion about Drythe's opinion..... and on it goes! Smiley Happy

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Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

This is the first time I liked his looks. Appears he finally highlighted his hair or made it more blonde  and he looks so much better.

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Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

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Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

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Registered: ‎11-16-2014

Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

Chaz has always struck me as such a gentle soul. He seems to really love what he does.. Genuinely a good human being. Anytime I see cruel posts about him I can never quite understand why...

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Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

This post has been removed by QVC because it's argumentative

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Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

@SeaMaiden wrote:

The hair in front above Chaz's forehead has a green ting to it. Is that the new "look"? Why would his hair be greenish?  Is that called ash blond?



i noticed that also @SeaMaiden. i just thought he had colored it for st paticks day. Smiley Wink

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Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

I met Chaz a long time ago at a QVC event at the Mall of America. We spoke briefly, he was very soft spoken and smelled nice. We had a group photo done. He urged me to scrunch in so I could be in the photo, too. I spent an afternoon and evening in the same room. He was very kind. I feel sad when people are rude and judgmental about him. I realize I don't "know" him, but I at least met him. He was very, very nice to everyone around him.
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Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

@Trinity11 wrote:

Chaz has always struck me as such a gentle soul. He seems to really love what he does.. Genuinely a good human being. Anytime I see cruel posts about him I can never quite understand why...

I agree!  I also can't understand why posters say mean things about any vendors or hosts.