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Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

@sonechko wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

I don't think he looked young at all, I thought he looked like a middle aged man trying too hard to look you and hip.  Men make that tragic mistake too.



Sorry, but I don't think any man or woman that wants a new hair style to freshen things up is making "a tragic mistake".   You can try a new, contemporary look without trying to look dramatically "younger".   Sometimes, we just want a change.  




Oh yes @Tinkrbl44!  Sometimes it is rather tragic to be stack in our old ways forever, and also suggest that others must do just the same! I too, just recently cut my hair short and love it! Woman Happy Yes, striving to look younger, is it so bad? Woman Sad


You might want to proof your own post since you were so critical of another. 

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Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

I don't believe Chaz has to try to be hip, he DEFINES hip and cool but he is also nice and down to earth. What a gorgeous combination to find in a human being.


He is always kind and sweet to the host, unlike some other vendors. I bet the hosts fight over who gets to be on with him! Just watching him with his "angels" tells you everything you need to know. Inner beauty trumps all. Heart

"The love you extend to others, will eventually find it's way back to you, no matter how many times it has left you hurt."
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Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

@Debzzz wrote:

I don't believe Chaz has to try to be hip, he DEFINES hip and cool but he is also nice and down to earth. What a gorgeous combination to find in a human being.


He is always kind and sweet to the host, unlike some other vendors. I bet the hosts fight over who gets to be on with him! Just watching him with his "angels" tells you everything you need to know. Inner beauty trumps all. Heart


Woman Happy How well said, @Debzzz! Heart He DEFINES hip! AND is also down to earth and nice.


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Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

@granny me wrote:

@sonechko wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

I don't think he looked young at all, I thought he looked like a middle aged man trying too hard to look you and hip.  Men make that tragic mistake too.



Sorry, but I don't think any man or woman that wants a new hair style to freshen things up is making "a tragic mistake".   You can try a new, contemporary look without trying to look dramatically "younger".   Sometimes, we just want a change.  




Oh yes @Tinkrbl44!  Sometimes it is rather tragic to be stack in our old ways forever, and also suggest that others must do just the same! I too, just recently cut my hair short and love it! Woman Happy Yes, striving to look younger, is it so bad? Woman Sad


You might want to proof your own post since you were so critical of another. 


You probably disprove of my content  @granny me, because the spell check shows no mistakes in this particular post. Woman Happy

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Posts: 666
Registered: ‎09-05-2014

Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

@sonechko wrote:

@granny me wrote:

@sonechko wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

I don't think he looked young at all, I thought he looked like a middle aged man trying too hard to look you and hip.  Men make that tragic mistake too.



Sorry, but I don't think any man or woman that wants a new hair style to freshen things up is making "a tragic mistake".   You can try a new, contemporary look without trying to look dramatically "younger".   Sometimes, we just want a change.  




Oh yes @Tinkrbl44!  Sometimes it is rather tragic to be stack in our old ways forever, and also suggest that others must do just the same! I too, just recently cut my hair short and love it! Woman Happy Yes, striving to look younger, is it so bad? Woman Sad


You might want to proof your own post since you were so critical of another. 


You probably disprove of my content  @granny me, because the spell check shows no mistakes in this particular post. Woman Happy

I never said a word about spell check. I said proof, maybe in your world you are tragically "stack" in your ways, but if I were to say it I would say "stuck". I really don't care about your content, but how you found it necessary to call someone out over a misspelled word.



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Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

Thanks @granny me! You are right on "stuck" was appropriate there, not "stack"!
English is a second language for me and I was not fortunate to get this language with mothers milk or any school. Just picked it up by myself along the way.
I still make some mistakes..... but I can invite you to a spell bee competition in another three languages, I'm frequent in! 🤓

Still, from the content of your last post it is quite clear to me - you are disagreeing more than anything with what I write. But that's okay by me too! 😎
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Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

[ Edited ]

@sonechko wrote:

@fourpaws56 wrote:

lol, just remembered something funny,, a few years ago I asked my Son to pick me up a hair color in town (town is thirty mins away) anyway..., I just assumed he would get the medium brown that I have used for years,  nope, he bought a color called plum crazy, I used it and loved it!!     it was a very deep purple


Ha-ha-ha! See? Young people have less hang-ups and actually see the World and People in it with much brighter, more loving eyes, @fourpaws56


But sometimes as we age, we get stack in our old familiar ways, and often-times in our accumulated over the long years misery, which gets, of course projected onto others..... Don't like ourselves, and other people as well, specifically those unconventional types. Smiley Happy


My granddaughter said to my desire for pink hair tint - Do it!  But I noticed - she first had a surprised look on her face, and then - ten million - do it, do it do it, Nana! So, I'm still vacillating...... I want it, but I am scared!


Here is the hair color and style which inspired me - it's from German hair site. Well, of course this girl is young and drop-dead gorgeous!






@sonechko, I love this color! Go for it! I believe life is meant to be lived and you only have as much fun as you allow yourself.  I decided that when my now few gray hairs take over I will dye it all a blueish silver. I've seen some beautiful things done with color.


Chaz tinted his hair to coordinate with the new seasonal, Spring Cherry Blossom. So it was all in fun and temporary. I love it!

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Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

Thanks a lot @nikki48!!! Heart


I have seen some nice, and a lot of really ugly things done with unconventional colors......


My natural hair right now with the help of WEN giving me these beautiful hues, it does not look like the "old" person's gray. It actually looks like very good color, with lots of different low lights/highlights, where gray shows up as highlight and not as some nuisance.


I don't want to ruin this shiny "naturalness" and allow the dye change it forever or untill it grows out. I have shorter hair now, so with WEN it will grow out quickly, in case I won't like it.  Just have to gather all my courage to do these pink hues!


You are so right on Chaz' color tint emphasizing Cherry Blossom debut! Good observation, I did not think of it. Woman Happy

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Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

@SeaMaiden wrote:

The hair in front above Chaz's forehead has a green ting to it. Is that the new "look"? Why would his hair be greenish?  Is that called ash blond?

Many years ago when I was in beauty school, I attempted to frost my mother's hair that was a medium brown color with a little gray in it.  


Her frosted highlights came out greenish.  It looked awful, but I didn't learn how to fix that color yet.  So my poor mother just wore green hair until I figured it out months later.


Chaz needs a toner applied to get rid of the greenish highlights and the other colors in his hair.  I would never allow a customer to walk out of a hair studio with hair with that bad a color job.  


Maybe he has been too busy to get it fixed.  I dunno, it's not good advertising and not done on purpose.  HD TV's show too many things up close.Good and bad.

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Re: Chaz looks so young with his new look.

@Carmie wrote:

@SeaMaiden wrote:

The hair in front above Chaz's forehead has a green ting to it. Is that the new "look"? Why would his hair be greenish?  Is that called ash blond?

Many years ago when I was in beauty school, I attempted to frost my mother's hair that was a medium brown color with a little gray in it.  


Her frosted highlights came out greenish.  It looked awful, but I didn't learn how to fix that color yet.  So my poor mother just wore green hair until I figured it out months later.


Chaz needs a toner applied to get rid of the greenish highlights and the other colors in his hair.  I would never allow a customer to walk out of a hair studio with hair with that bad a color job.  


Maybe he has been too busy to get it fixed.  I dunno, it's not good advertising and not done on purpose.  HD TV's show too many things up close.Good and bad.




You could be right @Carmie, after all you studied to be a beautitian. Maybe in his Hollywood Salon they do not know how to do highlights, or maybe he did not have time to fix his "bad color job".  Who knows?


Or, it also could be, these tinted hues in Chaz' hair were done intentionally. We do not know this.


There are REALLY some unconventional color combinations are being used these days, and a lot of different color tones and hues mixed in. Today, color is totally different than it used to be awhile ago.


If for example, you'd take this pink hair model above, in the years you went to the beauty school, I bet, she would be serving an example of a "bad color job"! Woman Happy 


But now, her hair color is quite "hip" and desirable to be gotten by todays standards! Smiley Happy